Living with Hashimoto's and fibromyalgia

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Mar 6, 2021
Good Morning Fibro friends!
Happy Memorial day!
I am writing today after my long battle with Hashimoto's, and Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed With hypothyroid over 6 years ago and Fibro, over the last 2 years. Over the last year plus I have been working with a Naturalist/ Holistic medical. This has been the best experience by far! Everyone knows its diet diet diet.... My hardest obstacle to overcome, so I came up with a plan... Before I went to the new holistic doctor I started a new lifestyle diet. If the label does not say NON GMO or ORGANIC I will not buy it, I do not eat fast food. (I am not perfect), I do order out every once in a wile...
I make my own pizza's, breads, and sweets with all organic Ingredients. I notice a difference and even lost a couple.
After seeing the holistic doctor I was tested for EVERYTHING!! Over 12 miles of blood work! I have a couple of active viruses running rapid in my body, Why did't my regular doctor not every see this? Why do I go for a physical once a year if you are not running bloodwork and checking for underline issues?? That's why I left him. I have been on anti-viral supplements to fight the virus's. I was also prescribed Naltrexone 3MG for pain for my fibro.
I am able to start doing more now with less pain and I started coming off all my prescriptions. Next one to try to get off is my Paxil. The mood for me is the hardest to control. I do some exercise not as consistent as I would like to be, I stretch and do Yoga.
The doctor has helped a lot with my Hasimoto's and got me on a new thyroid medication NP Thyroid. I finally dropped almost 10 lbs in the last month taking this. It has no additives and it a natural thyroid medication. For energy I was given a B12 shot, These can become expensive but worth it!
Hope this helps and if you have any questions please ask.
Hi there, Tracy!
After seeing the holistic doctor I was tested for EVERYTHING!! Over 12 miles of blood work! I have a couple of active viruses running rapid in my body, Why did't my regular doctor not every see this? Why do I go for a physical once a year if you are not running bloodwork and checking for underline issues??
What does "12 miles" mean, is it symbolical? I once got 5 pages of blood work by a centre for rare diseases - didn't help.
Which active viruses were they?
Regular doctor bloodwork / physicals have to keep to the basics, otherwise things would get very expensive...
The stuff holistic doctors check for and assume have hardly any proof for them, so it's good if their hunches help, but they can also often be a waste of time & money.
For energy I was given a B12 shot, These can become expensive but worth it!
I've been doing these at home (5mg methyl-cobalamine, s.c.) - the levels rocket, but it's never helped.
As shots are very effective they only have to be done every few weeks or months. Mine cost 2€/m.
My shots did help but by the end of the week I would feel sluggish... She had prescribed me 1-2 shots per week and 12 of the same one you have %mg was over $100 so Its great to get you through but 100+ a month? for energy... lol I feel like it cost more to drive than get energy for me!?!?!
(What does "12 miles" mean, is it symbolical?)
Responding to
I'm sorry ! my auto correct and my lack of checking before hitting post . lol 12 tubes of blood were taken for all my blood work.
(Which active viruses were they?)
The other question from @JayCS
I have Mono, The non Genital herp, And I already forgot the other. I was put on cats claw to get rid of those, May take a while on herbs but nice to know everything has a natural cure/ remedy. This Doctor has been SUPER helpful and finally got me on a Thyroid pill w/o additives. THATS HUGE! I have been on it for over a month and it helped a little w/ weight so far.
Because of my thyroid I am already all natural skin , hair products, and fluoride free toothpaste, Water filters, Non GMO and organic only (fro the most part) foods.
I also detoxed my body of heavy metals, toxins.
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12 tubes of blood
Ahhh! Wouldn't have occurred to me! :) Same me at the centre of rare diseases though... :
The last tube I had no more blood in that vein, they had to try another one, didn't know that that could happen!
12 of the same one you have %mg was over $100 so Its great to get you through but 100+ a month? for energy... lol I feel like it cost more to drive than get energy for me!?!?!
OK, this time let me guess: With %mg you mean 5mg, right?! 8-) 🕵️‍♂️ 🏆
I'd think the $100 was just the doc, not the shot itself. If my wife didn't do it for me, I'd do it myself.
(Didn't give me anything though,.)
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(Which active viruses were they?)
The other question from @JayCS
I have Mono, The non Genital herp, And I already forgot the other. I was put on cats claw to get rid of those, May take a while on herbs but nice to know everything has a natural cure/ remedy. This Doctor has been SUPER helpful and finally got me on a Thyroid pill w/o additives. THATS HUGE! I have been on it for over a month and it helped a little w/ weight so far.
Because of my thyroid I am already all natural skin , hair products, and fluoride free toothpaste, Water filters, Non GMO and organic only (fro the most part) foods.
I also detoxed my body of heavy metals, toxins.
Tracy1059, I need to inform you that this post of yours was edited because it is against the Forum Rules to post outside links on this forum. This means, any link that doesn't link directly back to something posted on the forum itself.
Thank you I was not aware. Just trying to help with products that helped me.
Will not happen again
Thank you I was not aware. Just trying to help with products that helped me.
Will not happen again
No problem Tracy, lots of people have needed to be told that. You might find it helpful to read the forum rules. Most people forget to read them when they join a forum, but it's helpful if one does. :)
You might find it helpful to read the forum rules.
I just wrote a long answer on the nausea thread and on an impulse put a link in, like I always do elsewhere. Quickly deleted it when I saw it now has to be moderator approved: no use. Shows no fool is like an old(-hand) fool...., ey Tracy! :ROFLMAO:
I just wrote a long answer on the nausea thread and on an impulse put a link in, like I always do elsewhere. Quickly deleted it when I saw it now has to be moderator approved: no use. Shows no fool is like an old(-hand) fool...., ey Tracy! :ROFLMAO:
Your post has now appeared - I approved it.
Thank you Tracy I will look into that thyroid pill. I'm on levo something or other and one of the side effects is joint pain and I've been watching alot if utube videos on how to get off the medicine. I'm with you on food as medicine but tell me can you eat tomatoes? Wish I could although the no mater sauce isn't bad and I do love the no mater ketchup better than regular. We try to grow everything and process and cook everything. Just got into making advocado ice cream, so good!
I'm taking a b12 vitamin that also helps and is cheaper than the shots.
(((gentle hugs)))
I just read that NP thyroid pills are on their 3rd recall. I think I might go the natural way and ween off and use food instead.
Thank you Tracy I will look into that thyroid pill. I'm on levo something or other and one of the side effects is joint pain and I've been watching alot if utube videos on how to get off the medicine. I'm with you on food as medicine but tell me can you eat tomatoes? Wish I could although the no mater sauce isn't bad and I do love the no mater ketchup better than regular. We try to grow everything and process and cook everything. Just got into making advocado ice cream, so good!
I'm taking a b12 vitamin that also helps and is cheaper than the shots.
(((gentle hugs)))
I do eat tomato sauce. Before I was diagnosed with Fibro. I did the AIP diet. Hands down the worst diet ever but I needed to do it. You take EVERYTHING out of your diet- Dairy /grains/nuts/ Then you slowly introduce things one by one after like a month. See what your body reacts to. I found it easier using the Aipshop store. ( can't provide link) Daddy's watching :). Tomato's and eggplant are nightshades and some people have sensitivities to them.
My Goal is to get myself off ALL pharmaceuticals. I am on 3 prescriptions. 1 for thyroid , paxil, One as needed muscle relaxers.
My doctor has been great at getting me alternative medications (herbal supplements) To fix almost everything. My next one is paxil. . I have to ween off it and I will stat taking L-Thenine 400MG before bed and 200 in the AM. I have lost 11Lbs in the last month and a week, and I feel a lot better also. ((((((Gentle Hugs ))))))) Hope this helps!
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