kratom,magnesium,fibro response

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Jun 24, 2019
HI, just letting people know that I couldnt imagine day to day life w/o these. They really do help. The kratom with pain (only it only lasts about 4-5 hours) but it does work. and fibro response supplemt helps with my elbow (which hurst right now from just typing,just woke up so need to go take it now actually :)) wrist, fingers joint pain noticibly latley I started with some fibro cream . people swear by .(Im still making my mind up about that one. I think its helping with my tenderspots where I feel bruised. so between that Im managing. It still get some days where its so bad I cant do things and its difficult (insert pain med) but thats down to maybe 2 days per week. And no dr. wants to give any it seems even if you really need them. so to anyone looking for some remedies you can get yourself I suggest these. I also suggest MM (if you can) if not ,alot of people like cbd.:8-)
have to say I think pacing ourselves is very important learned this today. I have not been able to workout for a few weeks and I love my dance workouts! I was feeling ok this am and my 3 kids are with grandma so I decided to do a dance workout, I got the music goign tyook breaks inbetween but all the sudden almost 2 hours past. (I watched a lot of videos in between including a 30 minute one) but I WAYYY over did it. I was actually sick and had to lay down from about 3 pm to 9 pm I had an awful headache . my elbows and knees where hurting as in cannot even hardly lay on my side w/o my arm going numb I was just wiped the kind that is jst exhaustion. back of neck into shoulder hurting. I know tmorw Im going to hurt. I had to get somthing stronger for that. PACE!!!
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