Itching and burning all over


New member
Jun 4, 2024
Hi everyone. I am new to the group. Does anyone else get a horrible burning itch all over as I do? My body starts getting hot and very itchy rash all over. My Dr referred me to a dermatologist and a immunologist but neither one was able to help as they had no idea what caused the rash. So, I googled it. Come to find out that there is such a thing as "Fibromyalgia Rash" who knew. As soon as I feel different part of my body getting hot and start itching, I take a benadryl and within 5 min the hot itchy patches dissipate.
Hi Mini,
Unfortunately, I too have this issue but with no rash. My hands and feet burn horribly and other parts of my body feels like bugs crawling or being itchy. I take a multi B vitamin and CBD gel pill everyday to keep this feeling at bay. It's definitely an aggravation.
Sometimes my skin will burn so bad in certain spots, but I check and there is nothing there. I have had that burning in different areas on my body. Sometimes it is on my neck and other times it is on my stomach or sides.
Great to hear that you do not get a rash along with the itching. I've had Fibro. since 2001 and it gets worse every year. I pray that you do not experience the horrible rash. Stay well
For many years I thought the rashes and itching were allergies but could never figure out what causes it. I suspect the fibro is turning the itching/red spots up a notch 😕 as I type this I have 3 red rashes and bad itching all over- I do believe gluten is a part of it. I had a nondairy ice cream cone and the cone part wasn’t gf 🤷‍♀️🙇🙆🏼‍♀️🤦‍♀️💆‍♀️🫎
Oh sorry to hear that. My itching and rash appear whenever they feel like it☺️but only in the morning. Its weird because as soon as I feel a tingling and or an itch which is hot to the touch, its about to turn into a rash ALL OVER my body. When this first happened years ago, I scratch the heck out of the rash which made it worse. So now taking a Benadryl takes the itching and the rash away in about 5 min(very difficult 5 min)Stay well and do not scratch the affected areas.
Hi everyone. I am new to the group. Does anyone else get a horrible burning itch all over as I do? My body starts getting hot and very itchy rash all over. My Dr referred me to a dermatologist and a immunologist but neither one was able to help as they had no idea what caused the rash. So, I googled it. Come to find out that there is such a thing as "Fibromyalgia Rash" who knew. As soon as I feel different part of my body getting hot and start itching, I take a benadryl and within 5 min the hot itchy patches dissipate.
For what it's worth, you may wish to check your meds. When I was trying an endless amount of drugs....that sounds wrong... anywhere some of them had me scratching the top layer from my arms+legs. Just thought this might help.
