is this fybromyalgia

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Hi osportosannto and Harpet Thank you for your replies,I agree with you it is just getting up and managing to get through the day some days can cope others I can't and then depression can set in. Get fed up trying to keep cheery. Things have got worse since my falljust would like someone to tell me, yes we know what this is, it is hard to lead normal life in pain all the time as you all know. Thanks for listening it helps.

Best Wishes
Amberlee ☺
I do not have a day without pain, it just varies in intensities. I hope you find what will help.

That sounds like Fibro aswell, have you ever visited your doctor?
Hi osportosannto and Harpet Thank you for your replies,I agree with you it is just getting up and managing to get through the day some days can cope others I can't and then depression can set in. Get fed up trying to keep cheery. Things have got worse since my falljust would like someone to tell me, yes we know what this is, it is hard to lead normal life in pain all the time as you all know. Thanks for listening it helps.

Best Wishes
Amberlee ☺

Sadly it's normal and it's a struggle, so we need to be optimistic and try to live our days the best way we can.
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