Hi, welcome!
The people in my home are settling down now, so I want to take this opportunity to say hello. The beginning of your journey sounds familiar to so many of us! We know something is not right, different, so we begin trying to find answers. It’s not unusual to try several doctors, several diagnoses, several of everything before you find some solid answers. Please don’t let the beginning of your journey discourage you.
I do not know if you have Fibromyalgia or not. You’re still seeing doctors and having tests and procedures. Whatever is wrong, I do hope you find answers soon. That you find comfort, health, and peace.
At the beginning of each journey like this one, it’s usual to have more questions than answers. Please try to find some solace in knowing you’re not alone. Whatever this turns out being, you are not alone in your pain, suffering, and questions.
Sometimes the medical field feels very impersonal. Like we are not looked at as a complete person. Only parts of us are examined at once. Then we move along. The feeling of camaraderie will come for you; no matter your illness, you are not alone. I’m very sorry that you are ill; that you’ve tried, but you’re not getting better yet.
Many of us have felt like something was “killing the quality of our life.”
I’ve had to re-examine what my life needs to be. I’ve had Fibro, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and several other illnesses for 45 years. My life hasn’t been what I thought it would be, but it is a life worth living. I have my Christian faith, my family, friends, and a career. I’ve just had to fight harder to achieve my goals. Some friends from high school and college are still close. Still care. Some friends that I’ve made over the years allowed me to be myself, even if myself had to be different than before I became ill. My immediate family has stayed close. One of my siblings understands parts of my illness, but two siblings cannot describe one (1) symptom of Fibro. So I stick with the ones who know me and my struggles, and I love on the ones that are ignorant. As for friends, I’m careful. I’d rather have a few friends who truly know me than many who think they know me. I long ago had to stop caring that some people just don’t get me; don’t understand; don’t even want to try.

I truly don’t know if I would or could understand my daughter who has Fibro, if I didn’t have it myself. So, if I have to have it, so that I know what her life is like, then so be it. I’d rather the connection than a great disconnection.
I hope you find answers about your own health.

I hope it’s not Fibromyalgia
But, if it is, you are not alone.

Fibromyalgia is not a death sentence, but it is a change in life.
There’s much for us to share and learn from each other. And, someday, the medical field will catch up with the things we already know.
If it’s nighttime where you are right now, get some rest. If it’s morning, think of a few good reasons why you should try to make the best of your life. Have hope. Have courage. Lean on others. Lean on us.
Truly, if I’ve made it this far, you can, too.
All the best. Keep in touch. BHB