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Senior member
Dec 11, 2015
I was diagnosed two days ago at an apt. With a new rhumotologist that I showed up at 10 am for 1pm apt! I now know that was fibromya fog! I had almost cancelled, I just didn't think I could get out of bed let alone out of the house into another doctors office trying to explain my symptoms one more time to have eyes rolled at me or be told it was depression. My symptoms had escalated into sever pain in my shoulders, back, neck, arm, stomach, pelvic and just that morning down my right leg. I was begging God to come get me. My ENT had referred me to this doctor months before due to severe dry mouth, difficulty swallowing and hearing going in and out/inner ear pain. I knew nothing about fibromyalgia, but I know you can't treat something if you don't know what it is. I am obviously scared to death I will never Be out of pain again and even worse, I will be a burden. But with a diagnosis I at least have some hope. I have hope and I'm not alone anymore. I hope to learn more each and every day. Wishing you all a pain free day :smile::smile::)
You can be out of pain, or nearly so--at least for periods of time. It take awhile to learn what works for you. When I first knew ,I read every book from the library about it and bought some too. There is much on line too. Have you looked at the National Fibro. Assoc? there are others as well.

It's difficult being the only person in my little world who has it. Even my dear husband doesn't get it all the time--why would he?

It's normal to grieve for what you have lost. Then you can get on with helping yourself. I wouldn't waste time on all the claims of cures, they even cannot agree what causes it!

So take a deep breath, you are definitely not alone! I hope you post again with questions/to blow off steam, or share victories.
Thank you for your words. I dont think it's all really set in yet. I understand There is no cure YET �� And that's probably the hardest thing to really grasp,. I can't imagine anyone understanding this unless they have it or something like it (I think of it as arthritis of the muscles). I wish they could but I'm greatul they don't have to understand it to accept and support me. I didn't think I needed anymore humbling but I apparently needed to be knocked Of my knees to flat on the floor (covered in pillows of!
I have surfed the web on fibromyalgia every minute I'm not in a fog. This forum I think in the long run will be the most helpful.
I think I have tugged at your ear long enough. Thank you again for your encouragement.
Eyesup, I have had the same symptoms. But I have had 2 panic attacks, in the last 6 months,dizziness, headaches joint pain muscles twitch all over and neuropathy in my toes and legs..All blood work is fine and MRI is fine I go for a EMG next week to find out more. Muscles and joints ache most of the day but worse at night. They want me to take Cymbalta but my liver test was elavated..What are you taking for Fibromyagia?
If you have a pain mng. Dr. Available, I would encourage you to check in.
Sorry it took so long, I started going backwards! I'm on gabapentin, I just went from 300mg to 400, but I think I may have to go to an am/pm does. I was already taking 50mg of topimate for migrains and I missed a does about a week 1/2 ago and that's when I started going backwards. I understand it's all trial and error for each person.and apparently it's common to have to keep upping the does of gabby as I guess you build a tolerance. But I'm not sure. Don't care as long as I get relief! Volterin gave me incredible relief while waiting for gabby to start working. I strongly recommend asking your doc. For it. Heating pads and hot baths and I bought a TENS unit for $30 at target worth every penny (don't turn up to high). I was on anti depresents years before this was one of my arguments to "its in your head...or its probably just depression". I wasn't depressed until I got sick and no one could/would help me! I was also on anti anxiety meds. It didn't stop a trip to the ER with extreme pain/tingling and numbness in the left shoulder/neck and arm and trouble breathing (I had had a stressed induced heart attack months b4). Twice the ER chalked it up to panic/anxiety attack....but pyschitrisy didn't think we needed to change anxiety meds!? How did so many doctors dismiss this? 1 out of about 20 listened to my reasoning and agreed the diagnosis didn't add up. (I was sent to specialist after specialist) and that's just over the past year when things became severe. Don't give up. If your doctor is not familiar with different treatments and won't research it out, then find one that is. They don't have to live with it you do. Chances are good it's not anxiety it's the fibro.

Please let me know what helps. Sending a hug your way.
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