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Extremely helpful member
Nov 3, 2013
I have found that there are many family members that come to this site looking to find ways to help their family member cope with fibromyalgia.

Below you will find some suggestions that will help you.

Please try them and come back to our forum and tell use how it helped you and the member of your family. we are always looking for ways to help others here.

Reduce stress by using the Tapping exercise. this helps me to reduce my pain levels.

Try meditation, their are many forms of meditation. find the one that works.
some take a while to master. give it time,

You can help them by understanding what they is going through. you cant stop their pain and that is very hard to over come. assure them you understand by says those words.

They are lucky to have you. tell Tell them everyday that you love them. helps them to hear that.

Do the things that forget said.

Try to help them find what triggers their pains.

Good things in the body, bad things out of the body. Cleansing the body helped me too.

Do the cooking. Sometimes just holding their arms up is painful and draining.

Try to take a trip to higher elevations as i found that works to reduce my pain levels.
4 of my doctors told me that it will help and it sure does.

Even a few minutes of reduced pain is like heaven to them.

Learn about what makes them feel better and what makes them stress out.
Remove them from those situations. Do the things that make them feel better together.
This reinforces to them that you care and want to help.

Fibro fog is a big part of fibromyalgia. help them to remember what they need to tell the doctors.

Fatigue is another thing that folks with fibromyalgia get. Research this.
No TV or computers one hour before bedtime.

Read the med guides that come with their meds. important! talk to the pharmacist about the meds. make sure the family member understands what the side effects are and how the meds work.

Learn what to look for to determine if the meds are working and how long they are working.

Make sure they have a medication schedule the same time of day, for each med. You can set an alarm on their phone to help remind them its time for meds and what meds to take. Do the same on your cell phone.

Learn what pain levels are and how to recognize them.

Check for low Vitamin D levels. this will increase pain levels.

Get started on Vitamin B12. you can get this and give them the shot yourself and not have to pay for a doctor visit each month. there are many vitamins and minerals you can have them try.

The log book is very helpful, they will need your help in keeping that book going.

Put aluminum foil over the windows in their room. darker is more calming.

Getting the healing sleep is so important. have them on a set schedule of sleep.

Music is calming too.

A hot bath or shower can be helpful to both of you.

Try giving them a gentle message. Learn how to do it right first.

Research what foods and drinks help them and hurt them.

I know how hard it is to research fibromyalgia. its even harder to understand the terms they use.

Find out from folks with fibro what helps. not some doctor that does no research on their own.

Help her find a doctor that believes in fibro. Research the doctor. there are many medical websites you can use to do this.

When you are setting the appointment for the doctor visit, Ask questions.

Does the doctor believe in fibromyalgia?
What research has he/she done on Fibromyalgia?
Does he/she have other patients with fibromyalgia?
Do he/she belong to any research groups?
Does he/she refer any patients to pain management?

Ask as many questions as you can. it's important to have a doctor that understands fibro and One you can feel comfortable with.

Have Them come to this site and vent. that will help them reduce some pain and get understanding from folks that care.

Venting at another family member can cause stress on them and the other member.
it will also let Them know they are not alone and they are not going crazy.

Fibromyalgia is real. don't let anyone tell you its not or it's used to group things together when the doctor has no idea what to do or that it's all in their head. walk away from these people. they will cause you and the member more stress and pain.

fibromyalgia is many things. the "what is fibromyalgia" thread will explain a lot to you and them.

You found the right forum here. keep coming here as often as you can.

Typing can be very painfull for them. help them to do that.

Reply to the to threads i told you to read, a reply will move it to the top of the page. this helps others find it quickly.

Your a good person wanting to help the family member.(God is watching) They need you.

Remember you too need a break. Take a walk. vent to friends or even here.
it important that you release just as much as she does.

Venting is when you start a "new thread" top of the page.

Then you put a heading saying something about what you would like to vent about.

Like my girlfriend pissed me off today because i told her not to wash the car.

Then start telling us all about it and why you felt the way you did.

Its like getting things off your chest without saying it to the person.

We can then reply to the vent or stand and applaud.

Venting helps everyone here on this forum as well.
there is good information in this post.
please reply when you read it so it will stay up top for folks to find it quickly

thanks to all.
trying to move this up front
ive been calling this the wrong name.
there is good information for all there.
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