How to fill the days

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I walk & do yoga, as I can. I also read a lot. For me, I have found some volunteer activities I can do on the computer. There are no deadlines for these & I just like thinking I'm providing some type of service for others.
That's lovely rholmes that you do volunteer work on the thoughtful and also must make you feel good knowing you are helping others.

My son suggested something like this to me but i had no idea how to go about it? Any tips.
I suggest that you look for opportunities that have an interest/meaning for you, & then look online for volunteer activities to match. I've heard of so many things that can be done at home, eg writing letters to military personnel, helping those who are sight-impaired read info using their mobile device, supporting by phone LGTB teens,etc. I could go on & on. Lots of needs out there.....
I have a friend who actually cries a lot about his condition even though he cries all the time he tries to live his life like he would normaly do, he told me that he tries to forget about whatever he feels and try to be happy for at least five minutes, it is all about hope, that is it.
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