How do you feel if you push yourself to do chores

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I feel like a truck ran over me, just before the herd of elephants ran over me. I can hardly walk and find getting up or down from sitting is very painful. I need to take pain medication and just waste a whole day to recover. :(
Exhausted. My whole body aches especially my back and neck. I feel worse throughout the day after I do some chores in the morning. I hate doing chores but I need to.
As a man with CFS, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I do household chores or go out to get my groceries or get work done. I feel tired of course but I also feel a sense of fulfillment. And once I start doing tasks it becomes easier (for that day).
Well, in those moments I truly wish I didn't have chores, lol. Sadly I know I got to do it.... so I just do whatever I got to do and that's it. Yup, nowadays I barely think about it, I just take it from Nike and do it, because if I stop for even a moment to think about it.
Well I would say it feels good in the end. It's just getting over that initial pain, but once active I find that I feel a lot more energised. Doing intense weightlifting also has an even better effect.
When working in the garden, I don't notice the pain much, It's the exhaustion that gets to me after about 10 minutes. If I sit down and rest a while, then I am good to go again for another 10 minutes.
I hear ya, my floors don't get done either and if it weren't for my husband laundry would probably pile up too.
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