There are only three drugs for the disease and they only work on about 15-20% of those that have fibromyalgia. The rest that we are given is just guess work.
Not quite sure which of the 40+ drugs for pain, sleep, depression & anxiety that work for some fibromites you are referring to, Warbucks? Praps gabapentin, pregabalin, plus low doses of amitriptyline, nortriptyline and duloxetine are the most common? The figures usually quoted for these meds are 30%, but I can imagine it being less really. If we compare all those to the other things to take (30+ supps & 10+ herbs) or do (pain management, physio, diets...) I spose the med parts is just as much guess work.
I have terrible pains in every bone when I lay on my bed for 2-3 hours then have to get up. the pain is especially bad my lower back and little helps.
Oh how well I know this! For months I thought it might not be good to improve my sleep too much, so the pain afterwards isn't bad so long.
What have you tried? What does help, what doesn't?
I managed to get that bed pain down with a soft topper, lambskin under my thighs, pillow under my hunchback for a while, then a pillow wedged diagonally half under my face to be able to sleep face "down", while twist-stretching to get my lower back unrest and pain under control. Plus yoga back exercises, esp. for the lower back, osteopathy and since 8 months esp. my acupressurist, who focusses on one pain area at a time, esp. thighs and lower back. At the moment my supps are improving my sleep intensity considerably at last, up only 4x3' quite often now and back to sleep quickly, not even dozing or doing relaxation exercises. For lower back I twist stretch in bed or while up, often curling backwards is enough, sometimes added pressure by pressing my feet against the wall next to my bed while lying on my belly.
The flare ups are the worse caused by stress normally.
How are you managing to control your stress?
Most of my flares have almost nothing to do with stress. But I do have the stress under control anyway. And am doing therapy just to make sure, seeing as I've got my doc appts down. I've sorted out the triggers for my flares by pinpointing using diaries and now I can usually sort them out inside of hours or days using what I write in my fibro blog.
My biggest fibro triggers were overdoing it, as well as treatments that harmed me, incl. rheum./pain clinic, so I'm glad I'm rid of all meds etc.. (Some supps & herbs caused a bit of harm, but quickly reversible) Then comes talking thru mask and too long live social interaction. After the supps taking my blood pressure down as sfx, I'm even tackling my blood fat meds at the moment, as my strict diet shd actually be enough for that. And fine-tuning pacing more and more to control how far I overdo things if at all.