Hey I'm new
I know this has already been asked, but I have a lot of things with Fibro that are keeping me from the usual methods and I could use some pointers.
BTW, I'm not super overweight, I just need to lose a little weight because moving around and wearing clothes gets more painful the more weight I gain.
First issue: I'm allergic to all fruits and vegetables, and very sensitive to minerals so I can't take like any vitamins or eat healthy.
Second: I can't excersice. My husband is disabled (all his limbs are missing) and all my energy goes to taking care of me and him. Plus even the most gentle of exercise kills me.
Third: I have an endless appetite. Even if I eat a large healthy meal and will be bursting at the seams, I'll still be hungry a half hour later even though I'm still really full.
Anyways, I'd appreciate any help I can get!
I know this has already been asked, but I have a lot of things with Fibro that are keeping me from the usual methods and I could use some pointers.
BTW, I'm not super overweight, I just need to lose a little weight because moving around and wearing clothes gets more painful the more weight I gain.
First issue: I'm allergic to all fruits and vegetables, and very sensitive to minerals so I can't take like any vitamins or eat healthy.
Second: I can't excersice. My husband is disabled (all his limbs are missing) and all my energy goes to taking care of me and him. Plus even the most gentle of exercise kills me.
Third: I have an endless appetite. Even if I eat a large healthy meal and will be bursting at the seams, I'll still be hungry a half hour later even though I'm still really full.
Anyways, I'd appreciate any help I can get!