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How do i cope whith fibro and the menopause

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Joanne c

New member
Jul 28, 2018
The menapouse seams to have made menny elements of my fibro so much worse I am told it may be the hormones I have had fibro for 18 plus years and it gets worse whith adage a first it was just tolerable whith pain management but now I am a certain adage in my 50s it's just so bad there's allways some thing new and so menny test the momment i am lucky to have a saportive hubby but iam just fed up whith this when I started my doctor at the time told me when the family grow up things will get better but there all grown now and no such luck
I’m sorry I can’t advise, I just wanted you to know you’re not alone and hopefully someone in a similar position may be able to offer some advice. I’ve just turned 40 so not quite at that stage but I’m sure it won’t be long until I’m in the same boat. Our fibro body’s really don’t cope well with any changes at all ☹️
Thanks Lou for your lovely M essadge it's true are f iybro bodies don't cope verry well whith change but I hope you don't have to go througe this alone as we all nead a lot of support whith this horried condition hopefully you have a fuew years yeat and I hope you get the much neaded help when your time comes I do think there is a place for More education as to mennoporse and fybro as if been told by the gynocologise that it my be worse becouse of hormones I did go temporarily on h r t but becouse of family history I changed my mind maybe I was a little premature but we hopefully lern by these things I am suffering a lot I have periodic limb movment arthritis and I b s and am having menny more test and have menny more other conditions bis is a nasty thing that pepole don't seam to understand even menny doctors when I first had it I was told its probable not permanent but that was over 18 years ago I think we nead more education and thanks to thease forums we don't have to suffer alone we can talk to others in the situation thanks again and verry verry good luck if you nead to talk I am hear x
I am going through the same thing with my menopause it seem to get worse. I had an emergency hysterectomy in 05 so menopause hit me hard and quick. I have no answer yet but hoping soon. Hugs
Thanks Carol for your message I hope your not suffering to much it's one of thouse things pepole and the medical professionals don't seam to know much about fibro and the menopause becouse I sapose ever one is diffrent I just whish there was more warning that it could make be more than just hot flushes allthoue there certainly no fun especially in the present weather and I do whish pepole wouldn't say o its just that time of a woman's life it can be so much more and its certainly not the time of my life my doctor said try H R T so I did butI found out ther are menny reasons not to take it in my family thay out wayed the possible benefits and I dint see enny improvement when I did take it I will just have to ride it out I sapose and have to hope its not to long hope that more hope and help is out there for others becouse we shouldn't have to suffer whith bouth problems and all the other linked conditions to fibro thanks again I know I go on but it good to talk and I relly do whish you all the best if you nead to talk I am hear jo x
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