Hi there. I'm new here. Just need to talk.

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Of course not!!I would not say anything negative about you.

You have a way of describing some events which can make me smile,and worry at the same time.

Please accept my apologies if I offended you with my attempt at humor,it was not my intention!

I always try to pick people up,never to put them down and especially on this site.
Oh no Lubkos way. 8)

I was just laughing silly of how true that was , and I was just trying to be funny :lol: but I guess I'm not much if a joker when I try. Sorry about that. I was just thinking of how many boxes of bandages and medical wraps I normally used up per week... 3 boxes of bandages , 4 rolls of medical tapes/wraps , 2 Neosporins, 5 boxes of lidocain patches, 1 bottles of pro-oxide , lots of paper towels , and many endless list and trips to pharmacy. :mrgreen: canes and crutches .
Thanks for not taking offence,I am glad that you,I,and hopefully everyone else can laugh at ourselves.

Not only does it lower stress,but I think it shows real maturity,strength of character,confidence and let's face it,us fibro sufferers can always use a good laugh.

For myself,I used to be the funniest guy in the room,and as I got sicker,I lost the free spirit that was who I was.

It still shows itself occasionally,I know it still exists,and as time has passed it has taught me and has given me,the ability to not take myself too seriously.

In my opinion,we all make laughable and sometimes embarrassing gaffes,even healthy people,and the way we react shows who we are,happy go lucky or bitter and angry at others and at the world!

The acceptance of my fate,has sent the pendulum away from being sad...angry most of the time,to starting to laugh again,more and more.

I now understand and realize how much energy negative thoughts were sapping my strength and who I am.

The funniest guy in the room is finding his way back to where he belongs!!
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