I am on disability for fibromyalgia. I was applied for it after a bad car accident, was denied, appealed, and received it because of other diagnosis. After 5 years it was discontinued "Because was healed". Where they got that from I will never know. My doctors were floored. My doctors never signed any of my paperwork, however, their chart notes stated that the fibromyalgia was diabilatating (ok I didn't spell that right). I was in such bad shape that I couldn't often get out of bed, dress, or card for myself. However, a month ago I discovered something that has made all the difference in the work for me. Its called Limu. I'm telling you this because I have lived what you are living since October 2000. For the past month, I am sleep without medication, waking with energy, my "Fibro Fog" is gone, and my pain has decreased considerable. Yes, I am selling it now, but only to get the product for free, because I am using it. I AM NOT trying to profit off of any of you. This is my site debbieduhon.iamlim.com but please if you feel that is my intention go buy it directly. I am not promising you it will cure you, I'm simply sharing my experience with you. I have tried everything else and finally found something that helps. If I can pay-this-forward it is my duty to do so. Hang in there with the disability.