Help for spouses and other caregivers

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Jan 26, 2023
My husband does his best to understand what I'm going through and how best to support me. He would love to join a support group that is for loved ones. Had anyone heard of anything like that? Does exist? Do you think there would be interest?
I think it's great that your husband is interested in such a thing!

I would start by simply typing into a search engine words to describe what he is looking for, and see what comes up.
("support group for loved ones of people with chronic illness" or something like that)
I would also suggest that if nothing good is found that way, he could start a group himself on facebook (if you folks do facebook).

Another thing he could do is call up your local hospital(s) and care centers ask them if they know of such a group.
Thank you for those suggestions. I did a Google search but it was probably too restricted as I only did fibro. I didn't think to include other dx. Great idea!
yes, I figure that a support group for caregivers is a support group for caregivers.....wouldn't matter all that much what the disability was. I know sometimes hospitals will have such groups, loosely facilitated by someone on staff, or with no facilitator at all.

You could also start your own. Ask the folks at the hospital nearest you if they have a room they would let you use once a week for 2 hours, or whatever you want, make up a few flyers and post them at the hospital if they will let you, and put it on whatever local social media you use. If the hospital doesn't have a room, ask your local library if you can use a conference room there. Most have rooms they will allow a group to use. Another way to start a group would be to make it a "Meetup" group, and then it would be advertised online.

You wouldn't have to be the big leader or anything, just welcome people and suggest that you go around in a circle and talk about your situation. I bet it would develop from there.
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