
Just realised I typed that in the wrong place! Hey ho.. brain drain strikes again! I await the full report & then see what the rheumatoid consultant says I guess.
Oh brain drain lol love it. Ain’t it the truth though. Need to plug the drain and leave us some brain . Sometimes I really think that dementia is showing its ugly head.
I've been tempted to get tested for it 😅 no lie,
ps, hope you're ok too
I had a brain scan last July ( I think) that showed something ( forgot what the title was) very early onset dementia. 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I say got a reason to say it’s my dementia lol, I had brain mri last month for these migraines and luckily for me there was no further change in the small vessels in frontal lobe WHOOHOO
Hey , I wonder if dementia is bad enough I may forget I got pain🤔🤔🤔 lol
@Sueb24 lets not start on the brain fog side. Still havent found the kitchen sieve i lost 2 months ago... I mean how does that happen??

Be interesting then to see what the consultant may come up with after seeing the results. But it reminds me of yet another fibro conundrum in that we need to ensure we dont blame every symptom, new or old, on fibromyalgia and yet if there is no other medical explanation given by a dr then guess what - its assumed fibro is up to its old tricks again.....

But I seriously do recommend if any of us are concerned about a worrying symptom we research for ourselves and if need be always get professional opinions - my inflammatory arthritis was missed for 2 years despite my insistence something else was going on, as I do not have the necessary blood markers to show an immediate diagnosis, and am therefore 100% diagnosed with the condition but as seronegative.

My b12 ( and vit D ) levels were tested and shown to be low, so I do take supplements as well as trying to get the b12 from vegetarian food sources. Sounds like the jabs were not tolerated well by yourself then.
My b12 ( and vit D ) levels were tested and shown to be low, so I do take supplements as well as trying to get the b12 from vegetarian food sources. Sounds like the jabs were not tolerated well by yourself then.
My B12 jabs were fine. I’d been on them for 30+ years until my doctor stopped giving them to me because she said the guidelines had changed and I was borderline so she couldn’t justify giving them any more. 🙄😬 I have a blood test next week and believe you me, if my levels are low again, there will be a very ominous dark cloud heading the way of my GP surgery & the gods of war will be very, very, angry indeed…🤯
Aw you are funny @Harpy , must be very slow progressing, (that's good 👍🏻) might start eating more nuts (I'm sure I read they're good for memory, I'll stick them in my smoothie) I quite like pecans (on a saltier note pistachios, they're always in shells though) lets all go nuts for an hour 🤣🙃😜
Are your iron levels ok @Sueb24? I've not ate a cow for 15years yet my iron keeps coming back ok, I still eat dairy but some thing's I'm not liking anymore (I found a nice oat milk too! I'm not usually fussed on non dairy milk) 💓🐇🐼
Good point @Auriel (hiya! 💖🦄🌞) dont know about @Sueb24 and iron but mine have always been iffy. Have been on prescribed iron most of my adult life and yet only now am I wondering why no one ever wondered why my iron has always been a problem? btw I had anaemia prior to becoming vegetarian some 35+ years ago so not diet related.

And yes, i too have done the complete search of every oat milk on the market ... And stick faithfully to my one brand. A decent coffee is my top indulgence ☕
I like a nice cup of coffee @SBee, yeah I was in school with someone with anemia, she was sleeping for the whole day (they put her on tablets) i find it baffling that my iron's always normal! (i don't even eat spinach!) does your brand milk begin with A and end in O 😊
I have been using soy milk. When my daughter told me to try soy to help my sinus it didn’t go down well. But now I am so used to it, I love the flavour in my cuppas. Can’t have oat milk , bugger and hazelnut milk is yukky.
I did an experiment, I was reading about the benefits of pine nuts so brought a kilo of them and had a shot glass full every day .
When my 3 monthly blood test came back my cholesterol levels were lower and now it’s been a year my level is now 4.1 so I am super happy with that, I was just over 8 . I have ran out so will see if it was the pine nuts 🤔that lowered my levels.
Are your iron levels ok @Sueb24? I've not ate a cow for 15years yet my iron keeps coming back ok, I still eat dairy but some thing's I'm not liking anymore (I found a nice oat milk too! I'm not usually fussed on non dairy milk) 💓🐇🐼
Generally they have been okay Auriel but everything goes a bit wonky from time to time. Vit D can be low at times, haemoglobin is never that high but usually around 11.5. I’ll see what the blood tests this week reveal. 🤞