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Thanks for your advice. I found user CP and added willow as friend but there is no scroll on left to pm. Will have to keep trying to figure out. Your instructions were very clear my page just isn't showing what yours is. Anybody else has a suggestion much appreciated in advance.
The page should show your "control panel" where you can choose which options you want such as editing your profile etc One of the options is Private Messages where you can choose "send new message". You don't have to be friends with anyone to send a private message.
Thanks Medicmurphy it worked I think. I sent a message it went through and I am sure it is not floating around cyberspace. Do you also know how to start a new thread message. I see that others' on the forum do but I thought it was through new blog. It didn't work. Any comments much appreciated in advanced.
HI Janette,

To post a new thread click on home, the wee house, on the up left side of the page. This will take you to the different topics (forums) you wish to chat about. Choose the topic you want and click on it. Once your there you will notice on the upper left side of the page "new thread" in black. Click on that then your good to go. :)
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