Hello all I was wondering what everyone thought I should do?

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I don't know where you live but if it is legal smoke pot. I usually have edibles but I've found if I start feeling a headache a couple hits do the trick. I use Rick Simpson Oil for sleep.
There's also peppermint essential oil just breath in straight from the bottle or put in a diffuser.
And keep coming here to give and get suggestions. D
I was going to end with DON'T give up but my finger twitched and posted before I finished. Kind of funny
Yeah my friend & me got into that but eh yeah to each there own in all honesty. I mean you don't have to take it them.

Eh true I mean have tried over the years to stop complaining to friends. I mean I understand once in awhile is OK but eh I end up doing it anyway. I mean I get what your saying & I realize that but then it all goes down hill eventually. So eh I just need some other kind or place to vent truthfully like like you said.
Come here and vent all you like. that's what we are here for.

Here's what I have done when I have had a tendency to go on about something that gets to be too much for other people. I do this: I ask the other person, "May I have permission to vent for 10 minutes?" Then, if they say Yes, I rant all I like but I set a timer on it or ask my friend to cut me off at 10 minutes, and that's that. On to other topics.

That way, your friend can say "no", if they are not in a good place to be hearing someone else complain about their life, or if they think it will bring them down. And, they learn that if they say "yes" it doesn't mean that the entire conversation will be dominated by one person complaining. It works great, because that way they have a choice, you are being considerate, and you are not using the other person.

Really...try it! I have done it with several of my friends, and they usually say Yes because they know I really mean it if I say 5 minutes or 10 minutes. I am a person who never ever wants to burden other people; it goes against my grain and all I believe in. At the same time, sometimes I need to bounce something off another person, so this works really well. It gives me an outlet but keeps me from going on and on about something which almost always means being repetitive, because most of what is going on really only takes 5 or 10 minutes to tell. Try this and let me know how it goes.
Sounds like it is Fibromyalgia. Don’t give up on getting disability if you need it. You have to find a doctor who will diagnosis it. Many of them don’t know. I was diagnosed while ago. Hope you get help and I cannot use any medications because of the side effects as well. I have tried cbd oil but I’m skeptic about it but it does settle things down. I agree, document everything even write to the judge who denied you.
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