Harder in the morning?

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I get up right away in the mornings. 4 dogs needing to pee...have a coffee and get started. If I don't get moving right away I'm toast for the whole day. But I'm back in bed at 1 pm for a rest. Usually til 4 If I had a choice I would be in bed pretty much all day...oh to be a pampered princess.....
I'm the same, bboebel1555. Drag for a couple of hours after I first wake up - not so much pain but just exhausted, even after a full night's sleep. Then I get going until about 2:00 pm and can hardly keep my eyes open. But at 5:00 I seem to have more energy, but usually more pain. I wish I could take an hour nap at about 1:00. I think my afternoons would go better. Wish work could set up a nap area. Sometimes I will go out to my car and rest for about 1/2 hour. That seems to help but doesn't work so well when it's 90 degrees or 20 degrees.
Mornings are the worst. I can't hardly keep my eyes open for the first couple hours. I verrrrryyyyy veryyy carefully walk because I'm so stiff and I don't want to overdo it and cause worse pain later. Zero energy too. Really takes it out of a person, That's for sure.
My entire life I have been tired all day long and have never, ever, ever, ever woken up before 10am without an alarm clock - Did I say ever? Sometimes I would sleep 13-14 hours, mostly at least 10 and never under 10. No one understood it - me. Once diagnosed Celiac and I had to cut gluten, I wake up at 6, 7, 8 depends on when I go to bed. For the first time in my life! It really was weird waking up in the morning on my own because I've never done it before. Really strange to me. Now, I am stiff and sore and feel pain from my fibro in the morning, but when I wake up, I am awake. I am not fatigued and don't feel tired all day long anymore. However, I feel my fibro pain is worse at night. It's bad in the morning, but may or may not loosen up - but by bedtime I'm a mess. The more I do, the worse it is. Too much walking or moving around and I have nodules in my abdomen and cramps and tender spots so bad I cry when I walk. I do have to say that my sleep during night is restless, though and sometimes I am tired because of that, but it's a different kind of tired/lack of alertness - not like before where I felt like I had a wet blanket on my whole body and it was a chore to move. Hard to explain.
Vitamin B is quite a versatile vitamin, isn't it? Very well known for assisting with neurological issues. One of the first things I was prescribed, and it has a long history of success. I should start taking it again myself.

Excellent advice. :razz:

Yeah, you really should :) It really helps to calm my nerves, and I'm also noticing is helping my hair grow :) A B complex with biotin would be the best bet, so if you can... get one and start taking it asap :wink: :)
Sometimes at night, when I am having a good evening and feeling good, I do not want to go to bed because I hate mornings!
I used to drag for hours and never really getting energy at all until about 1pm. Since my dr put me on Ritalin for the fatigue I am able to get up about an hour after I take it. Every morning is the same ritual, alarm goes off, I drag myself to the kitchen and take my Ritalin, then I lie down on the sofa until it kicks in. The pain and stiffness gets better the more I move.
I have to agree with you, I HATE mornings! Mornings are the time when I am tired and all I want to do is sleep!

But, life is life and you got to work in order to stay alive!

But, how I wish I could get rid of them!
Me, too. Taking a shower and getting ready for work takes so much effort. The first thing I do at work is get the coffee going. I only started drinking coffee about 5 years ago.
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