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Just got back from a stay over at our camp in the country. Yesterday the wind was blowing hard and very cold. We had to put on the heat at the cabin and still we were cold. Finally at bedtime it was roasting hot upstairs and it was hard to sleep it was so hot. I had even turned the heat down, but it didn't cool off. So I tossed and turned most of the night until morning when it was a bit cooler and then my feet started cramping. I piled on the covers and pushed one foot against the other to stop the cramp.

By the time we got up it was chilly in the camp, but outside it was warming up to be a great day. But of course we had to come back home with no time to enjoy the new day. I hate out of town meetings that keep you busy doing other things so you can not enjoy the things you want to do. I guess that was a bit of a rant, but now I am home again and trying to warm up my own house.

I suppose it is getting colder in all areas of this country, except Florida and California. Wondering what the weather is like in the UK? Is winter coming on over there too? I heard on the news out west got a big snow storm. Not looking forward to seeing that white stuff just yet.

Till next time. :)
Yesterday I had some energy and made a gingerbread cake. I improved on the recipe by adding some molassas ginger granola to the mix, as well as, some chopped dates. It turned out really good. Filled with fiber, which can be a good thing unless you like leaving the house for long periods of time. lol

But in the afternoon today I ventured out to pick up some grass clippings a friend had saved for my compost pile. Then I mailed some letters and went to the dollar store to stock up on things I ran out of. Next I went home and piled all my recycle in my backseat and drove off to the bins to leave off all the goodies. I don't mind the lightweight bottles but oh those stacks of catalogs and newspapers, are really hard to lift and throw in the bins. I was hurting by the time I got home.

As a treat I made french toast for supper. Then I took a nice nap and then watched a movie. So now I am here sharing my day and hoping you all had a better day then yesterday.

Anyone have a story to tell of something interesting or funny? Please share here. All are welcome to add something about your day that would brighten many who are sad or depressed.

This spot is a place filled with sunshine. Till next time....
Oh it's been a while eh? Been busy. Last weekend was Canadian thanksgiving and we had planned to go to Midland to the sister- in- law but she was really sick so we stayed home. The long weekend was very productive. We got all the stuff in the house from the garden that needed to be overwintered indoors. Delicate plants and the two good chairs. The BBQ brought up to the deck by the back door and general tidying up. Sunday was turkey cooking day. Hubby was in charge of that while I caught up on some much needed housework and sewing projects. Monday I swapped over my summer clothes for the winter ones and got rid of stuff I no longer wear coz I'm too fat still. Seems silly looking at my winter wardrobe when it's still so nice and warm out but I now know after living here six years that can change pretty damn quickly. I've been making the most of the nice weather walking every day after work even if only twenty minutes. I'm trying my best to get fitter and drop a few pounds. So we shall see how that goes. I'm still doing my Wednesday swimming every week and with winter nearly upon us I will have to use the treadmill more than the pavement (sidewalk )right now my knees are throbbing and stiff hot and hurting like crazy so I've got my feet up on the sofa watching x-files :)
Sweet Dreams
twiztc, Glad you stopped in and told us that your still doing good. I need to do that old trade-off of summer clothes to winter clothes, in the closet. Well, I need to clean out more than that, but I am lazy in cool weather. I like the idea of sitting around watching the x-files. It was one of my favorite shows. I heard they filmed most all of the shows and movies, in Canada. Cool! I just which you were not in so much pain. :( Hope you feel better soon.

Yesterday, I had fun. I gave a friend a ride to a doctor appointment out of town and on the way home we took the backroads instead of the main highway. The golden and red leaves were beautiful, but I had forgot what a winding twisting road it was. We also stopped at two different librarys and bought books they had on sale. And we stopped at a winery and got some supplies, as well as, a bottle of wine.

Today it was back to helping my mom and visiting some other good friends. It is always nice to get out of town and breathe some country air.
Till next time.......:)
Been doing lots of tidying around ready for winter. The last few days have seen a nose dive in temperature and the wind chill is really kicking in.
A friend at work collapsed actually at work on Monday and we had to get her carted off to hospital in an ambulance! Nobody heard about her all day till the following morning when she herself called in. I'd been so worried about her. Her blood pressure dropped so low so suddenly but they still don't know why.
I had my day off and I didn't have any appointments to rush around for so after my swim I went to a big mall not far from here and went window shopping. I think all my working out has been paying off. When I first went to that place I had to decide which corner to shop in as there was no way I could walk all the mall..... it's pretty big. Today I did the complete lower level and a bit of upstairs! I'm aching a bit now but I was still surprised how much I'd done.
It's nearly bedtime so I will bid you all goodnight. Take care
This morning I woke up and looked out the window and behold it was snowing. Luckily it was not sticking to the road or sidewalks, as I had a appointment and had to be out of the house early. By late afternoon most of the snow had melted away, which was a good thing.

So I got home and then made a huge pot of vegetable soup and then made dumplings to go along with it. It was very good and filled me up. I also made a lemon pie in graham cracker crust. I need to get cool whip or real cream to go with it. I get cravings for something sweet every once in a while and so today it is a pie. My biggest craving is for potato chips which I need to stay away from. It is better to stick with my chocolate ice cream shakes. Less fattening. lol "Not Really", but one yummy thing at a time is enough.

Till next time.....Bye! :)
i've turned into a bit of a food addict... i never used to be and spent most of my adult life borderline anorexic (not so borderline at times) now as of the past 3 years or so all i want to do is eat my own body-weight in food.i crave chocolate, cake, and crisps (you Merikans call em chips) but i have very little willpower against those thing so i try to avoid having them in the house. im back up to 150LBS so i feel like im loosing the battle, but im very trying to get back on track with my thrice weekly workouts.tonight is a workout night and im not really feeling all that brilliant but i will still do a bit. every little helps right?
as far as the weather goes its been cold but so far have only seen that one snowflake. may get a little of the white stuff tonight or tomorrow. I've enjoyed the snow coming in winter these past few years but for some reason im not looking forward to it this year and finding it quite depressing. unlike me. we shall have to see how i go when it really does arrive.
im still around but dont have anything happy to say really so i'll leave that for other places. I just wanted to wish you all well and hope my fellow Brits weathered the storm ok over there

Take care, keep warm, stay positive
So good to hear your news twiztc. I have been being lazy the last few days. Sure I am on-line, but as for getting out and doing something fun, well the energy was not there. But yesterday I went out of town to the dentist, just a checkup and clean up. Then I raked a few leaves and got some tidying up done at home.

Today it is 65 degrees out and I am trying to decide what I want to do. It would be a nice day for a short walk or I could be lazy again. I suppose I will go help my mom houseclean a bit. Not a chore I enjoy because I am allergic to her cat and all it's hair and dust. So by the time I finish I will be wheezing and have a big headache.

In changing the subject i have been thinking about baking some cookies or a pumpkin pie. It seems like the time of the year to start making some homemade goodies. Do any of you love to bake? I love this time of the year with the holidays coming up.

All who read this are welcome to join in and share a part of your day if you want too. Please join in! :)
Hi Sweed, I haven't posted in awhile. Not sure if you remember me or not...having a really good day so far. Wanted to share good news for a change. Got notified that my Social Security disability hearing is scheduled for November 19th. It has been over 2 years since I first applied. I feel confident I will get approved....and hope I am not disappointed. The weather is cool here in Indiana but no snow yet. Going to be in the low 50's this week which for me is nice weather. I recently found out I also have cervical disc disease so not sure how much of the overall pain I have each day is from fibro and how much is from the cervical disc disease. Hope your day is going well!
I was so excited to see your post. It has been ages since you last posted. I hope everything goes well and that you are approved for SSD. I will be thinking of you that day and pray that you get it. Were you able to find any work online? Sorry to hear of another bad diagnosis of the cervical disc disease. That one is sure to cause more pain as the disc press on the nerves. But anyways I am glad to see you back on the forum and hope you will visit here often.

As for my day it is starting out slow but I need to get moving. Bills to pay and things to do and more cleaning out is planned. I hope all of you on the forum have a good day without lots of pain. Here the sun is shining but it is only 50 degrees outside, but feels like 30 degrees. lol
I have errands to run but I am not looking forward to leaving the warmth of my home. Well that's all for now....:)
ooo am i annoyed - wrote a whole paragraph and lost tablet connection and it all got dumped! don't you just hate it when that happens?
So, that was a few hours ago so i will try to remember what I put

Indie, nice to see you pop in.
I have had a busy week or two with various medicals but I shall save that fro the moaning groaning place or such like.
Today however hasn't been too bad. The last few days I have been in a lot of pain with lots of fatigue and faking your day through work is tiring so by the time I get home i'm grumpy and tired and I think my hubby must be a saint to put up with me when I get like that.
This morning I still wake in pain but in a better mood. even more so after my Wednesday swim with the ladies. had to go and have an ultra sound on my left hand and both elbows. got a bit of mall shopping in before it started raining too hard. I even spent some time after i got home head banging with the daughter to some seriously kick ass tunes. she knows exactly what I like, hard house dubstep bring it on! I love Nine inch Nails and Pendulum.
So all in all a blooming good day. But now its bedtime and been raining all day and my activities have made me stiffen up again. But having just one day when you feel more alive makes it all worth it :)

Sweet dreams me lovelies
Good morning still blown away at how many of us there are out there. Weather is changin' so I feel like crap today. On a happy note I have agreat family and everyone is safe. Overall still a kick ass day.
Thanks for sharing a bit. I hope you feel better tomarrow. Please post here again as it is fun to add a comment on your day now and then.

I made a big decision today. I am going to get strict with my diet and try and avoid eating the types of food that raise bad cholesterol. That means some of my favorite snacks have to be put on the back burner for a while. No more pop-tarts and potato chips. No more cookies and cake, and I am cutting out sugar as much as possible. I was on-line today looking for heart-healthy recipies and checking out the best oils to use and subs for sugar. More natural subs that can help with my weight and yet make food taste better. Vegan recipies offer me some ideas to try, as I already eat very little meat and love veggies and rice, fruits and mixed salads.

It is still going to be hard to give up using butter. But my recent bloodwork show a spike skyward for bad cholesterol and I need to tame that beast down to avoid worse health problems. It is always something new coming up to ruin a good day. More later......:)
a lot more is being found out on the deit and heart. sugar is ok in moderation, cut out as much processed foods as possible. lower salt by all means but you dont need to go as crazy as they first though as long as you up your potassium. the trick is fresh, lots of fresh meat (loads of good minerals in meat) our bodies are designed to process animal fat as long as its not too loaded. trim it up a bit but our bodies NEED animal fat as a lot of minerals are in the fat too and it helps fill you. lots of fresh veg as much as you can stand. go low on carbs, potatoes are ok when they are not fried or loaded with butter. lots of potassium in potatoes and not as high in calories as some people think if you just boil them WITH skins.
I cheat and have cake , chocolate and biscuits (cookies)
Go on MY Fitness Pal. you log all your food and exercise and you can choose some of the stuff you want to keep track of fat, calories, potassium,sodium are just a few.
My hubby lost 40 Lbs...i did not do as well but its helping me to not get any heavier. im not as strict with myself as he was.

anyway, my day has been very lazy. didn't feel so great yesterday and didnt feel much better today. I think myself and hubby have caught a cold or bug from the sickly bunch of buggers at the office. so we loafed about all day watching tv and playing computer games. i did re-arrange the food cupboards know how things tend to migrate when lazy daughters and husbands get at them, so i got it all back into logical order that made me happy :)
so i've been feeling tire tired tired all day and now its bedtime and right now i feel quite awake...typical. But i am going to put Bones on and hope it does the trick like it did last night .

Blessing all my lovely fibromites xx
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