Gabapentin use

I use this for arthritics spasms however It does not seem to have effect on fibro pain for me
I wouldn’t recommend tramadol for spasms.diazepam does a better job.they don’t like issuing it but it is a good med for stress and spasms.i was getting them especially at night.ask for a different med from the doc and be firm with them.dont walk need a med that’s gonna help and i hope you find the right med👍it’s trial and error.25 years of fybro for me and it’s been hell
citalopram is great and no side effects and it helps with anxiety
I tried citalopram and had horrible side effects.
It, just like every other drug, will have different effects on different people.
The only way for anyone to know how something will affect them is to try it, unfortunately.
I wouldn’t recommend tramadol for spasms.diazepam does a better job
maybe we are talking about different type of spasms due to damage to my spinal cord I can get spasms simply getting into or out of the car, chair or bed or simply walking etc they might last a few seconds to almost an hour I used to take codeine but doctors prefer Oxycodone because they believe it is less indicting.
I use this for arthritics spasms however It does not seem to have effect on fibro pain for me
No it won’t help fybro it’s more anxiety,spasm drug.if I went through all the drugs I’ve had I’d be here all night.only you know what’s best.the scale of pain and all side effects of long term fybromyalgia.just be really honest and don’t take no just be really honest😂😂
maybe we are talking about different type of spasms due to damage to my spinal cord I can get spasms simply getting into or out of the car, chair or bed or simply walking etc they might last a few seconds to almost an hour I used to take codeine but doctors prefer Oxycodone because they believe it is less indicting.
oxycodone is as addictive as any pain killer,doctors still monitor you.theres no magic cure for spasms I get them all the time,laying in bed,swimming,walking.just have to accept it.just another bad cherry in my fybro misery😩can’t remember exactly what doctor said to me being it 25 years of this turmoil.i think a muscle relaxant would work best.take care
tramadol is like any other medication -- it helps some people who have fibromyalgia, and doesn't help others.

Although some people say it doesn't help with fibromyalgia, I have found it to be the most helpful of all of the drugs I have tried. It doesn't remove all the pain, let along the stiffness and brain fog and so on that go along with fibro. But nothing does!

In my experience, tramadol has proven to be the best overall pain medication for me. It gives me a good, decent day in which I can get things done.
I won't take tramadol daily because my experience if I do it stops working, which means it takes more, and that's a road I absolutely won't go down. I'd rather be in pain than addicted to a drug. But when I really need to get things done in a day, or if I reach a point where I can't stand it any more, I take one and have a much better and more productive day. I do this a few times a month.

I only wish there were something non-addictive that would work as well as tramadol does for me, so that my good days of being productive were not so few and far between. There are so many thing I would like to do, mostly volunteer work, and I can't because I'm not reliable due to fibro.
these spasms have nothing to do with fibro -
I wonder about that. Maybe they don't. But I think it is pretty hard to take all of the various things going on in a body apart from each other and know for sure what is a result of what, since some things could be an indirect result of something else, like a string of dominos. Everything being interconnected......
It always makes me wonder - what is causative and what is correlative, and is there, within a person's body, even a real difference between the two? Interesting questions, to me.
But I think it is pretty hard to take all of the various things going on in a body apart from each other and know for sure what is a result of what,
I have suffered from arthritis since I was a young boy - all my brothers suffer from it we all have had ops etc over the years to try to control it - when I used to go thro the old metal detectors at the airport all the bells would go off - after the ops etc I had no problems till about late 60's (age) the spasms started again - which was treated with codeine required and then targen as required I use the immediate-release tablets not the slow release a pack of each can last me a year or more
Then came fibro at age 70's
It is important to realise that any medication can become addictive not only Oxycodone - if you take a medication to relieve a condition then ok but if you use a medication to get a mood change then you may be an addict too many people use Oxycodone to achieve a mood change
I have suffered from arthritis since I was a young boy - all my brothers suffer from it we all have had ops etc over the years to try to control it - when I used to go thro the old metal detectors at the airport all the bells would go off - after the ops etc I had no problems till about late 60's (age) the spasms started again - which was treated with codeine required and then targen as required I use the immediate-release tablets not the slow release a pack of each can last me a year or more
Then came fibro at age 70's
It is important to realise that any medication can become addictive not only Oxycodone - if you take a medication to relieve a condition then ok but if you use a medication to get a mood change then you may be an addict too many people use Oxycodone to achieve a mood change
Yeah totally agree,if you can’t get through a day without the meds,especially codeine your a addict or needing it.i must admit I rely on tramadol too much and I should be careful taking the fentanyl all over body pain as been with me for 25 years and it’s never altered.i feel that I’ve got to accept my fybro.i tried stopping and the pain came straight back.not a reliance on meds the same body pain I started with.the fentanyl patch being so strong has eased the pain but I’d rather not recommend it to anyone.doctors said it was my only med and there was no other med I could take with the strength it’s got.i tried liquid morpheine and that’s only short term not long release.just the way my life has panned out.i’ll keep battling away!