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In the morning the ankles and joints hurt more because it a bit colder. And throughout the day the muscles hurt more because you are using them while moving up and down.
Thanks everyone. Yes i cry often as well from foot pain. It's one of my worst symptoms. My doctor just thinks it's fybro but not much advice. I was thinking water therapy would be great. Ill check into it. Massage sounds good but sometimes too tender to be touched. Neuro called and wants me to see general surgeon and get biopsy for small fiber nerve neuropathy. I've never heard of it but i guess I'll get checked. Just feels so hopeless to be in this much pain daily at age 26. I feel 100. Every part of he aches and a week and a half ago tailbone started hurting where i can barely sit. Went to doctor today, just thinks it's from fybro. Got a cortisone shot in it so hopefully that helps. As for the rest of me, my pain meds are not cutting it! I'm about to ask for pain pump. I know that sounds crazy but some days I don't know how much more i can take. I wake up every morning like death warmed over and until meds kick in, i can't function.
Young and old can get plantar fascitis. It is very painful and can make walking nearly impossible. Please go here and read about how to treat it at home. Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis

I have had severe cases of it and unless you put your feet up and rest more it will never go away. If you have a footboard at the end of your bed, you can help it by pressing your bare foot flat against it and pushing slightly then relaxing for several minutes and then pressing your foot against it again. Coldness helps to relax the muscles and help the foot to heal. There are boot like products that when you wear it at night in bed pulls your toes upward and stretches the muscles the bottom of your foot and helps them to relax so that you will be able to walk without pain. :)
I could very well be wrong but when I was reading your post it sounded like the pain you were describing on the bottoms of your feet may be diabetic neuropathy. I think I may get that checked if I were you.
I get the foot pain a lot. Thankfully it goes away after a bit.

Usually I can get it to go away by rolling a tennis ball under the sore spots ( yes it HURTS but it massages the pain out). And it is frustrating that it will move around my foot and ankles and legs. One day it can be in my left heel and then the next day the pain is in the ball of my right and the left heel and later in the day the pain is gone in the heel, but now is across the top of both my feet.

It got to where my husband thought I was lying about it, because I would say "Ow my foot" and rub my left and then later I am ice packing my right as if I sprained it. If you do not experience it, you cannot know what it is like is all I would say to him.
Yes, I have bad foot pain, too. I know it's the fibro, b/c it can be all over. It will move from one spot to another, many times with several different places hurting at once. Today with our high humidity and stormy weather it's my heels. Wherever it is, it makes walking extremely difficult.
I get foot pains but I think it's the arthritis. Like fibrogal said the humidity makes it worse and my feet swell something awful. If you are not sure what's causing yours get in and see a doc.
I reckon with all the comments. This is one of the reasons that keep me on a border line between contentment and confussion. Newly diagnosed of fms(although I've been with the pain for 15 years) ,new in the forum yet reading all these pain experiences sounded like I was repeatig myself. The feet pains, aches, stabs,numbs,tingling, weight and many other fraustrating feelings though not life threatning can be very disabilitating fms symptoms. I keep wishing it's an 'application' to a job or contract. I would have withdrawn or resigned from it, no matter the cost implication.
I will try all self help suggestions within my reach. Hope to hear from all who can help me out.
Don't all those meds scare you? I take about five pills, add vicodin and aspirin between the vicodins and I am scared to death. But what can you do, if you can't get out of bed for the pain? I am at the point that whatever works is ok with me!
I, too, think of myself as a disabled person. I had to quit my job, as well. I go to the grocery store, the thrift shop, and that's about it. A trip anywhere will put me in bed for the rest of the day. I will soon be housebound, I fear. No disability altho I have filed a claim.
I have moderate foot pain because of the gabbapentin, I think. When my leg and foot 'sleep', I am unsure of myself and my balance is not good. It is annoying, as well, but I am relieved the pain is not worse. It took nearly a year for the gabbapentin to help me at all. Good luck, my dear.
I have foot pain everyday and everytime I stand up on them, even more so why I'm in the kitchen OMG! If I'm in there too long everything lock up. My Feet hurt extremely bad, my hips and lower back stiffen up so bad, my knees hurt too but not as bad as the others. Every morning upon rising up my feet hurt, heels are starting hurt, but as I start walking it lessens but standing in one spot with an occassional move, PAIN
Hey there- I too have HORRIBLE foot pain. I'm mostly bed ridden because of it. It's difficult and annoying. I fortunately don't work right now due to my fibro...But I'm in the process of a big home move. Here's what I did last night and it worked! Have you seen/heard the Lidoderm 5% patches (Lidocaine)? I use them all over my body for the pain, but yesterday I said, "why not on the bottom of my feet". Put the patches vertical on the foot, sock over them while you're in bed, put a tennis shoe (with a alot of arch support on) if you're up and about. It really really helped! Let me know!
I can't even wear high heels anymore. I suggest you try to limit that too. I know it's hard! You should see my nice shoe collection :(
I have seen a podiatrist for foot pain. He was able to tell me I didn't have arthritis in my feet. Savella has relieved my pain. I did develop Morton's Neuroma which feels like you're walking on a marble at the ball of the foot. Cortisone injection takes care of that, although surgery might be indicated. I would have any foot pain evaluated by a podiatrist first.
From what I can tell I have plantar fasciitis in my heels and I have sesamoiditis in my left foot. Just constant pain that will not go away. I am going to try taping my big toe tonight to see if keeping it immobile helps with it healing.

I see the doctor beginning of Sept, but I was supposed to talk to her about my fibro and she is the type who only likes to discuss ONE problem at a time. I am sure it is because I pay out of pocket and this way she gets more $$. But it is all I can afford right now.:(

Tried this massaging foot soak thing a friend had. It did NOTHING. The tub vibrated, but I did not feel any improvement, even with epsom salts in the water.
I have also had this foot/ankle pain with swelling (sometimes "pitting edema"). No one knows why this is and water pills such as furosemide have only provided minimal relief for the swelling. I did, however, gain a good deal of pain relief from physical therapy. We did very gentle strengthening exercises until I was able to walk comfortably. I still have painful flare ups, but not as bad as when this first started. Ibuprofen also provided moderate relief during the painful times along with ice. Good luck my friend
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