Fibromyalgia possible cause ?


New member
Jan 20, 2024
When I was 4 ( 1954 ) had a fall which caused a serious head injury , a hospital stay and stitches. The stitches were at the front of my head over my right eye. I have had physical and mental health problems ever since .
The charity Headway tells me that a head injury can cause this and can go on for years . I also had to have a visit to the doctors when I was about 8 or 9 for thoracic back pain . I was diagnosed with Fibrositis . This was in 1958 or 1959. In 1987 when I was 36 , my daughter was born …9 hour labour … no pain relief except I had to have an epidural as the placenta was retained . 2 years later I had excruciating lower back pain which prevented me from walking . Spondylolisthesis was diagnosied and lumbar fusion treatment was offered and refused .
A week ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia . 1 am 73.
Can anybody here relate to any of this or be able to comment? Perhaps I’m putting 2 and 2 together and making a big fuss 🤣🤣🤣
Greetings, and welcome to the forum.
At this point, very little is known about the causes of fibromyalgia. There are a lot of theories, and there are some things that many people with fibro have in their medical history, but no actual proof exists of a causative link to fibromyalgia from those things.

You have not mentioned what your symptoms are, or if you have been tested for the many different things which can cause symptoms identical or similar to those caused by fibromyalgia. How did your doctor diagnose you?

We are here to offer support and to answer questions the best we can and to tell each other about our experiences. I hope this forum is helpful to you.
A listed on the packaging ‘side effect’ of all vaccines is myalgia (inflammation) we all get the MMR at around 3-4 years old.

Have you noticed how many medicines have "may cause this, may cause that" on them? Disclaimers, and I'm not saying some people are not affected by MMR, but better than getting the diseases full on.

I think a side effect of living is, we are going to get problems!!!!! 😁 😁 😁
Has the doctor diagnosed u with fybro?what feelings and pain are u getting?do u feel depressed?if u have depression things can spiral out of control.let us know what symptoms you have been getting and also see your doctor if you think you’ve got fybromyalgia.dont let it get u about it and be serious with your doctor if you feel terrible.hope this helps xxx
Has the doctor diagnosed u with fybro?what feelings and pain are u getting?do u feel depressed?if u have depression things can spiral out of control.let us know what symptoms you have been getting and also see your doctor if you think you’ve got fybromyalgia.dont let it get u about it and be serious with your doctor if you feel terrible.hope this helps xxx

Hello @Ian waxman

Wow !!!!! If I got a reply like that I don't know if I'd stay on the site! Mind you, I'm not sure to whom you direct that onslaught of questions, but guessing the first poster on this thread.

The whole idea of these forums is sharing and caring, not full-on questioning others.
Do you actually have fibromyalgia yourself? Personally, I feel a bit doubtful. I don't think people that have fibro would come out so full-on at another person.

Maybe answering all your question for yourself would help everyone get to know you and where you are with your travels with fibro.

Hi @sunkacola I don't know if I've overstepped the mark, but that post made me feel ....... attacked, for want of a better word, and I felt @Ian waxman may not have realised how he has come across. Maybe I am the only one that thought that way.

So many of us struggle with the issue of others not believing us, I feel it is inappropriate on this site.
@BlueBells , I hear what you are saying. Since the post was probably intended for the OP, @fantasticjudyan, I will wait to see if she replies and if so, how she feels about it.
Thank you for stating your feelings. It's important for this forum to be a place where everyone feels comfortable and heard.
When I was 4 ( 1954 ) had a fall which caused a serious head injury , a hospital stay and stitches. The stitches were at the front of my head over my right eye. I have had physical and mental health problems ever since .
The charity Headway tells me that a head injury can cause this and can go on for years . I also had to have a visit to the doctors when I was about 8 or 9 for thoracic back pain . I was diagnosed with Fibrositis . This was in 1958 or 1959. In 1987 when I was 36 , my daughter was born …9 hour labour … no pain relief except I had to have an epidural as the placenta was retained . 2 years later I had excruciating lower back pain which prevented me from walking . Spondylolisthesis was diagnosied and lumbar fusion treatment was offered and refused .
A week ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia . 1 am 73.
Can anybody here relate to any of this or be able to comment? Perhaps I’m putting 2 and 2 together and making a big fuss 🤣🤣🤣
I think you are quite perceptive and analytical, and approach situations the way I do. I've added two and two and got 22 more than once, but at the same time, I know from self awareness and feedback from others that I have good analytical skills, and it sounds that you do, also. I always look for connections, which can make healthcare professionals impatient, especially when they just want "the facts, mam". I believe coincidences are more interconnected if you delve deeper. You look for correlations and associations as I do. Well done.
Welcome to the club. God bless you in your journey of discovery. Wether you do or you don't have a diagnosis. Pain on any level is, well, painful and exhausting. There is alot of great advice, suggestions, anecdotes ect.

My discovery of diagnosis didn't come until 2012. But my journey of discovery began decades earlier. I started noticing that my body took longer and longer to recover from the previous day. Fairly normal day in activities. And it just continued to the point of I can no longer work so I'm on disability. But there is alot of good advice like I said before. So poke around a bit and discover a whole new way of life.
Wow !!!!! If I got a reply like that I don't know if I'd stay on the site! Mind you, I'm not sure to whom you direct that onslaught of questions, but guessing the first poster on this thread.
sorry but don't see what the problem is - the poster simply asked the same questions that are asked on many of the forum threads
sorry but don't see what the problem is - the poster simply asked the same questions that are asked on many of the forum threads
Hi @johnsalmon

We are all different, and have different experiences. For me, that barrage of questions is what I've lived with, in a tone that is laced with "there's nothing wrong, it's all in your head".

Put that together with that being the posters only message, I wonder if there is a bit of armchair critic in there. @Ian waxman , please correct me if I have misunderstood you. :)

Either way, I may be totally wrong, it may not have been meant that way at all, but if that had been one of the first replies I received when I joined, I doubt I would have hung around, because, as I said, I've lived with that sort of comment since primary school.

Yes, others do ask those questions, but during an ongoing conversation, not just straight up-front.

Has that explained where I am coming from? Life is a very individual journey, and we all see things a bit differently, I understand that.

Please ask me whatever you like, I will do my best to answer your queries. :)
Yes, others do ask those questions, but during an ongoing conversation, not just straight up-front.
Actually, @johnsalmon's comment made me check when answering and asking in various contexts, on forums and for work.
I then realized, like you, that it's less direct if the questions are bedded in own experiences, which were missing here.
Same with "advice". For work it's different, I (have to) keep my own experiences down, altho my backdrop, but I describe various experiences more generally, incl. my own.
So, @Ian waxman: I'm curious what your experiences are with fibro - it helps to know "where someone is coming from" (as @BlueBells has done perfectly).
A week ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia .
Has the doctor diagnosed u with fybro?
don't see what the problem is
That is the biggest problem: advising without listening closely, typical of many, esp. doctors, so very understandable to react with
what I've lived with, in a tone that is laced with "there's nothing wrong, it's all in your head".
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When I was 4 ( 1954 ) had a fall which caused a serious head injury , a hospital stay and stitches. The stitches were at the front of my head over my right eye. I have had physical and mental health problems ever since .
The charity Headway tells me that a head injury can cause this and can go on for years . I also had to have a visit to the doctors when I was about 8 or 9 for thoracic back pain . I was diagnosed with Fibrositis . This was in 1958 or 1959. In 1987 when I was 36 , my daughter was born …9 hour labour … no pain relief except I had to have an epidural as the placenta was retained . 2 years later I had excruciating lower back pain which prevented me from walking . Spondylolisthesis was diagnosied and lumbar fusion treatment was offered and refused .
A week ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia . 1 am 73.
Can anybody here relate to any of this or be able to comment? Perhaps I’m putting 2 and 2 together and making a big fuss 🤣🤣🤣
I certainly wasn’t being hateful whatsoever.everybodys fybromyalgia is different.pain,feelings,sleep,nause,migraine.i was diagnosed with fybromyalgia 20 years ago and I’m currently on 40mg reletrans patch which does help.i also have tramadol and dyhdracodeine for serious spinal issues.sorry if I came across a bit brutal.i’m definately not on this site to slate anybody!!hope your getting the right help👍
Hello @Ian waxman

Wow !!!!! If I got a reply like that I don't know if I'd stay on the site! Mind you, I'm not sure to whom you direct that onslaught of questions, but guessing the first poster on this thread.

The whole idea of these forums is sharing and caring, not full-on questioning others.
Do you actually have fibromyalgia yourself? Personally, I feel a bit doubtful. I don't think people that have fibro would come out so full-on at another person.

Maybe answering all your question for yourself would help everyone get to know you and where you are with your travels with fibro.

Hi @sunkacola I don't know if I've overstepped the mark, but that post made me feel ....... attacked, for want of a better word, and I felt @Ian waxman may not have realised how he has come across. Maybe I am the only one that thought that way.

So many of us struggle with the issue of others not believing us, I feel it is inappropriate on this site.
Yes I deffo have fybromyalgia and could talk you through 20 years of misery!!
Hi @Ian waxman :)

It was just the way you came out with heaps of questions, and I find that rather confronting.

I'm sure you are familiar with the "it's all in your head" type comments, hey?

It's good you found these forums, I'm sure you will like being here, it's a good place for sharing and support. Just being around others that share similar issues, some the same, is somehow reassuring in some weird way.

I didn't mean to come across as harsh, but the post just hit raw nerves. There are people who come here now and then that are happy to tell others what to do, and they have no idea what they are talking about, my sincere apologies for thinking you might be one, when clearly you are not !!!!

Again, welcome to the forums :)🐉:)