Fibromyalgia and back problems

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Feb 15, 2013
Hi, I'm Cassie been disabled with Fibromyalgia, migraines, back problems for 13 years. I'm a single mom. My sons were too much for me to handle and live with their dad but I've always had my daughter who is 13 in a few weeks. Just moved to Davenport, IA after a year in California where I did much better in the warmer weather and lost weight and could walk more. Now they gave me a wheelchair but I don't have a ramp and live in a crappy trailer cuz it's all I can afford on SSI. I was in college for Graphic Arts when my health prevented me graduating. I have cats that keep me company when my daughter is at school. :roll: I play on facebook or World of Warcraft in order to keep myself busy watching movies or reading when my headaches permit I like to get out of the house when my body cooperates too. lol mostly just live for my daughter or I would've given up a long time ago. The pain is excruciating and every relationship I've been in has been abusive and made it worse. Never been with anyone who understood my pain or conditions other than my daughter who is my best and only friend. She's my world. I would love to make friends who understand and wants or needs someone to talk to who understands too. so I'm on here... get a hold of me if you want to talk. :grin:
Re: new 2 forums but looking for friends

Myssing, First off welcome to the forum. I hear your pain and understand what your going through. If you want new friends on this forum then start posting and saying hello to new members. There are many folks just as sad and lonely as you seem to be, and they too are looking for new friends to take away some of the lonely hours. Also, post around the forum and ask questionss, and share your thoughts and feelings. We all understand how illness can make you homebound and feel alone and helpless. That is what a good forum helps with, it makes everyone feel welcome and like a part of the family. I will look for your posts and answer questions the best I can. :)
Re: new 2 forums but looking for friends

Hi Cassie, welcome to the forum. Before I met my husband I had been in a few abusive relationships and was fortunate to find a loving and caring man. I believe that when you refuse to put up with being treated poorly, people won't treat you poorly, because if they do, they know they won't be allowed to be around. My last abusive relationship was the tipping point for me. I realized that I was being treated poorly because I was tolerating it, but worse, because that's how I felt about myself. When I started, in spite of fibromyalgia, to feel better about mysef and to look after myself, along came my husband. I know it sounds cliche, but it seemed to only be when I valued myself would anyone else value me the same.

I hope that didn't come across as passing judgement, but you and I are probably very similar, and I know that you can find happiness too.

I think sometimes that I've tried to have too many friends and expect them to all understand. I've long given up that dream and have only a few close friends that understand, the ones that don't I've let myself drift away from them and it's left me feeling better because at least I'm not constantly having to explain or feel guilty about complaining about the way I feel. I've also learned that constantly complaining isn't much fun for any of my friends, one even called me out on it, so I try to be subtle or, at least sometimes, bite my tongue :)
You actually sound a lot like me... I'm a single mom with 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs and a fish tank. My daughter is 11 and I homeschool her. I enjoy reading when I have time and going for walks when it's warm.
Hi! I have been a single mom for 3 years I have a six year old daughter and 3 year old son I know what it is like scraping by and trying to provide for your kids while battling pain. My ex-husband was also abusive but now I am happy with a new partner and he just moved in with me a few months ago after we had been dating for a little over a year.
It's interesting to me how a lot of people with fibromyalgia have had some sort of trauma in their past. I've heard that this is the case but just really starting to notice it. Thus I'm left wondering if that's actually true about the trauma bringing about the fibro...
I am curious about your statement regarding trauma bringing on Fibro. I am another who fits into that category although I never connected the two until now. Intersting thought and I am off to do some research. Just think..........Cure the trauma and cure Fibro!:razz:
I've been told that people who have PTSD, have been in abusive relationships, have experienced a severe accident, etc. will oftentimes find themselves dealing with fibro shortly afterwards. I myself had a very hard pregnancy (preclampsia followed by congestive heart failure) while in a mentally abusive relationship too, then found myself with fibro. I'm doing a lot better mentally today and things aren't so rough health wise (knock on wood that they stay that way) but my fibro hasn't gone completely in to remission, so I doubt that if you cure the problem you'll cure the fibro. However, I do feel better than in the past (most days anyway) so hopefully you can at least feel somewhat better.
Hello, my name is Alicia and I am from Upper Cervical Care of Iowa in Davenport and I understand your pain. Whether it is migraines, back pain, sleeping problems, or any other interference with your healthy happy life. We can help you! Get you back to your full potential. You can call any time during the day between 9am to 5pm and I, or Dr. Hesse, would be more then happy to answer any of your questions, and hopefully take that first step to ''Putting your head on straight'' and restoring your body's health. UCCI Upper Cervical Care of Iowa DR. Sharon Hesse 563 340 1061 601 Brady St. Suite 121 Davenport, Iowa 52803
Hello Cassie, it is very nice to meet you. I am a single mom as well. I have two boys 15 and 17. I understand completely when you say your daughter is your world. And that you live for her. I feel the same way about my boys. They truly are my everything. My boys and I are very close. It has been just the three of us since they were 1 and 3. I also have been in abusive relationships. But I have come to the conclusion that I am better then the crap they handed out. And you are better then that too. I live in an old trailer as well. But hey, it is a roof over our heads. So for that I am grateful. This is an excellent place to meet people and talk about the illness we share. And its a great place just to talk in general. Very nice to meet you Cassie.
In a lot of the research I have done I have found that emotional distress and PTSD do go hand in hand with Fibro and chronic pain. I would think that would go for abusive relationships too. Been through that and know how much stress it adds, usually effecting your sleep which is another culprit to the problems. Being a single parent (because it's more demanding when you're on your own), struggling financially, depression, loneliness, all contribute to poor mental state and that increases pain levels and Fibro symptoms.
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