Fibro fog

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I get fibro fog some days. For me the most noticeable thing is that I can't think of the most basic words, and then while I'm struggling to remember the word, I totally forget what the question was or what I was saying. My conversations go something like:

"Paper or plastic?"
"Neither. I brought my own . . . my own . . . um . . . um . . . I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Omg! Yeah, I get the same thing! Do you have problems with basic math as well? The worst part is getting completely lost trying to remember the word I wanted to use! Jesus, this makes me seem so dumb :lol: I'm just 27 years old! I have no idea why this has gotten worse in the last 3 years, I thought it was linked to my depression, but I'm starting to think it isn't and is probably permanent :(
I get fibro fog some times are worse then others, i now carry a book to write down all my appointments and things i need to remember.
I had a friend, who did not have Fibro or CFS. However, she did have brain fog and migraines. I told her that I read that tap water was very bad for some people, and increased brain fog/headaches. I just suggested that she try distilled bottled water. Not purified, not 'drinking' water, but distilled water. I also asked if she drank a lot of tea. she did. Tea actually has some molds in it that can give people head aches. She came into the store, and was very happy! she had given up tap water, only drank bottled distilled, and also gaveup tea (plus soft drinks). she said that it worked for her. I suggest you do a look on the internet into fibro CFS and tap water. Remember, you really don't know what is inside it. Tap water has tons of chemicals that are very bad for us.
Your post got me thinking... I have actally been drinking a lot tap water in the last 3 years, could this be coincidence? I might give up tap water in the future, just to make sure my brain fog isn't getting worse because of the tap water. I feel so bad about myslef and my mental capabilities, because they are not even close to what they used to be :( If the tap water is making my brain fog worse, then I'd be happy, because you can easily fix that!

I've been suffering from fibro for a long time, but my brain fog had never been as bad as it is now :( I thought this could be caused because of a clonazepam overdose I suffered last year (been a tough time for me lately). I will try to give up tap water! Can't be good for us as you said...
For me it is the inability to comprehend things. I first started noticing my fibro fog when I was taking an Accounting course, before I was even diagnosed. I spent hours trying to grasp a new concept and had to keep reading the chapter over and over. It actually made me scared. After being diagnosed, when I started reading about fibro fog it dawned on me what I had been experiencing. This also affects my ability to read books or balance the check book. I have been a fan of the post-it notes for years...thought it was a sign of old age :-)
I tend to forget things easily, more than I use to even around a year ago. I do try to remember to write important things down that I need to do; however, I tend to forget where I put that reminder down at. I ask for appointment cards to help me remember things; however, most times i forget to put them on the refrigerator.The best way that helps me with daily reminders is to keep a small tablet with me at all times, and put down things of importance I need to do for that day.
I feel like my head is stuffed with cotton wool most of the time, my memory sucks, I have no attention span and I say things that makes people look at me strangely. I don't sleep well and I hurt a lot. Usually I like to be by myself quietly doing something mundane
I have a few different issues, not sure if any of it is "Fibro Fog", but very annoying, and at times scary.

I have horrible short term memory. If I'm in the shower and realize I need to write shampoo on the list the chances of it ending up on the list are slim to none. I even try to make up songs to sing to remember things and end up forgetting the song as soon as I get distracted for .0005 seconds. And lists are a must. I live my entire life off of a list. My husband hates my list, but I really need them. I'm also amazing at walking across the house to completely forget why. Sometimes I never remember. Also, alarms on my phone for everything imaginable, even things that should be pretty obvious.

Lately I've been very out of it, no concentration at all, no attention span to speak of, and I've noticed stupid things like super basic spelling errors, and not being able to do simple basic math. I won the spelling bees in school and had perfect scores in math. I also forget words in a sentence, and not even the big ones. I get stuck on a word and it just will not come to me. I feel like an idiot talking sometimes. I think I'm getting stupider every day. LOL

The last one, the one I don't normally talk about, I've had since I was a teenager. I have a HORRIBLE long term memory. When I was 18 I was told by a psychologist that I was 'blocking it out' because it wasn't 'happy', but then why is all the happy stuff going away too? LOL It's so bad that I don't talk about anything in my past because my memory is so bad I'm not sure I'm even telling the truth any more. I'm not sure what's real, what's something someone else told me, what's a dream, and what I'm completely making up to fill in the gaps. I feel like a liar every time I open my mouth. I hate it when people want to talk about the past. I can remember things clearly for about 6 months then it's all foggy.

An example of why this is so crazy. I'm afraid of water. I remember that once I had a story about how I almost drown as a kid, but now I don't remember the story. So, was there ever a story? Why am I still afraid of water? Am I crazy?! LOL

Thanks for letting me vent. These are very sensitive subjects for me that I don't talk about ever, so it's nice to just get it out there. :)

Omg... I thought I was the only one! My husband can tell detailed stories about the past. He remembers things really well. I used to be like that, I used to cover it up with the joke that I lost brain cells with the birth of each child ( I have 3 ) but at this point it is no longer funny. I have to struggle to remember even big things like which child had to go to the emergency room at a month old ; and I get the deer in headlights look when a pharmacist expects me to rattle off a specific kids birthdate on command. My mind is sure to go blank and the numbers all run together. I feel like the biggest idiot and worste mother:-(.
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