is this fibro fog or is fibro fog the fatigue that comes with it or both?
As you may have guessed, I love questions like these about how to exactly define fog and fatigue...
Whilst I think the term fibro fog and the term fatigue are used in a fuzzy/blurred/emotional way, praps by nature of the subject,
I'd love to discuss what they may or may not mean. So first four answers to your question and then a lot of definition boodle, if anyone else is interested or would like to correct me...
4 answers:
Firstly, fibro fog is always used alternatively to
brain fog, so purely mentally, whilst fatigue is usually meant purely physically.
Secondly, I'd so much guess that most'd argue that fatigue can come without fog, and fatigue is more common, not sure how often fog can come without fatigue, that I'm wondering whether you actually meant it that way round - I'd love to be corrected....
Thirdly, this 'early dementia' feeling is definitely an element of fibro/brain fog, not of fatigue.
Fourthly, the fatigue that comes with the early dementia feeling is not called fibro fog. Thinks/sez I.... (?)
(I must admit I'm not an expert on fibro fog, my 'early dementia' is something I had before and is due to my non-ADHD hyperactivity & multi-tasking.)
On my reference list of symptoms, I've grouped all symptoms I find relevant to fibro fog as part of 'cognitive/thinking unclear/difficulties' like below (I think I put the smell hallucination symptom here because it fits here least bad.)
And on my list of 11 types of fatigue (repeat post), I've divided mental fatigue up into 10 inner fatigue and 11 brain fog, see below.
So like I've put above I see fibro fog as brain fog as a form of mental fatigue, which may come separately from physical fatigue.
Types of fibro/brain fog:
General sensations:
Dizziness, e.g. vertigo
Spaced out feeling
Cognitive / Thinking unclear, difficulties:
Attention/concentration difficult, easily distraction
Decision-making difficult
Distance-judging difficult (when driving, etc.)
Judging difficult
Orientation (Disorientation) (directional or spatial, really or feeling)
Recognizing (routines, left/right, number/word orders)
Remembering (difficulty remembering, short-term or long-term, losing things, forgetting)
Expression difficult (words, numbers)
Speech slowed, stuttering, stammering
Understanding difficult (words, numbers)
Word-finding difficulty/using wrong words.
Perception (Seeing, hearing, smelling):
Not seeing what you’re looking at
Smell hallucinations
Sensitivities → there.
Balancing difficult
Walking wobbly
Coordination poor:
Bumping into things
Dropping things frequently
Staggering gait
Stumbling, tripping frequently
Walking clumsily
Fatigue types
For the
(A) tiredness part I use
1. dozy, either getting up 4-8x per night or in stints in the day, when my mind is awake, but I may want/need to sleep,
2. drowsy, when both mind & body are tired and
3. numb, in my head, due more to meds like amitriptyline and CBD which I have stopped taking coz of that.
I also separate
4. itchy eyes from tiredness, because sometimes that suggests to me I’m tired altho my body doesn’t (dry eyes), sometimes it does,
part of my tiredness I’ve been realizing/testing the last few weeks is the
5. feverishness-feeling, which I thought was separate, but I now believe is not, because I now nap successfully then, and make my overall sleep more effective
(B) the missing energy I have
6. quick exhaustibility (energy spurts, I’m an odd one there)
7. then outright exhaustion of the muscles,
8. feebleness, dullness, in mind & body,
( C) a deep ‘fatigued’ pain
9. the Big Ache, due to overdoing it (both different to the sore muscles I used to have),
D) mentally
the inner fatigue, which I think a lot of people have, esp. with ME/CFS, may be sort of listless and have to do with depressiveness/depression, but I only seldom have. I also guess
brain fog belongs in here too.
I think what most people mean with fatigue is my #7 & 9(?)
(Already posted here, but I hope a repetition isn't too harmful:
Physical therapy for fatigued muscles?)
Edit: Brain fog is something quite a lot of other conditions also have...