Fibro and migraines

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Before FM I never got headaches...period. These past two years in particular has been brutal where I suffer a headache every day. Some migraines have landed me in the ER. Fun and games >insert eye roll<

Are you taking the same meds for the migraine frequently? I was being careful to keep my motrin use within the daily recommended, but I was still using too frequently and ended up with overuse headaches (i was taking low dose motrin with coffee). I backed off from the meds, then started switching between Motrin and maxalt and muscle rubs and trying not to take more than a few times a week. That really cut back on the severity - I still have daily chronic, but it's more of a low hum and spotty vision rather than full blown migraine. However, I've noticed Maxalt now only works with motrin, so I'll have to rethink my routine.

I take Oxycodone only when necessary because I wish to avoid addiction and rebound headaches as you describe. I will take Motrin in between, apply ice packs and take Gravol (anti-nauseant) when needed. I see my family Dr in a weeks time to follow up on my worsening symptoms. Not sure what she can do as I've become so sensitive to meds that I'm hesitant to try anything new. I'll keep a positive attitude and see what she says.
Ugh ... that sounds awful. Have you tried accupuncture? It helped me a bit, but I've heard that it's helped others a lot. I was offered Botox injections, which I haven't tried because of the cost. When it's bad, I rotate through a variety of muscle rubs on my neck and shoulders, use motrin and maxalt. I hope your doc can offer you something better. Let us know how your appointment goes.
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