Fibro and being sick?


Jun 16, 2024
Hello everyone from this newbie with so many questions. I have had fibro for many years on and off but this time it isn’t going at all. I usually go down with the extreme tiredness , being sick, and diarrhoea being main symptoms. I recently had a good heath check because I was having so many symptoms. I had an endoscopy, a CT body scan and a full blood count.. I have gastritis but I knew this, all bloods were fine. I also have IBS and some divicular disease…again I knew about these……….So they found nothing knew to explain why I feel so ill. Does anyone else get the extreme tiredness with bad nausea plus all the usual fibromyalgia symptoms??
Hi @Birdlady10

Welcome to the forums 🤗 🤗 🤗

I'm learning that we all get heaps of symptoms, but not identical. I'm sure as others see this they will comment.

I get the symptoms of IBS, but doctor says I don't have it. I've always known that stress can bring on diarrhea, not sure if it's fibro involved, may well be.

From what I understand, fibromyalgia does not go away. It can have periods of worse or better, but with all the waxing and waning, it is still there.

Not sure that my comments will be of any help, but do read the various threads, and drop in anywhere you feel inclined. There are no rules that you must stick with one thread.

Enjoy the forums :)
Thank you Blue Bells, yes mine goes away sometimes and I start to feel normal again. I can go to bed feeling good and then wake with all the symptoms again. Very difficult to plan ahead….Thank you for replying, I will definitely look round the forum…..
Yes. Birdlady, tiredness (neuropathy) and nausea , welcome to our forum
🥂🌼🐦 (I hope you like it here and stay with us for a long time 😊)
Thank you. Must admit the constant nausea is really getting me down. Nice to be part of this forum where people actually understand , and not people who think I need to try and forget about it and it might go away!!
A former member (Jemima) taught me a smoothie involving ginger (ginger is good for nausea) you can buy ginger shot's in supermarket's now, (also I have something called prochloperazine, in with my prescription for when I get nausea, I put it on top of my gum till it dissolves) 🤗🕊🌸
Thank you. Must admit the constant nausea is really getting me down. Nice to be part of this forum where people actually understand , and not people who think I need to try and forget about it and it might go away!!

I've found the best thing about this site is indeed the fact that everyone here "gets it". We all understand, even if not identical symptoms, even if we get some that others don't and vise versa, we do understand and we do not criticise, because , we ....understand :D :D :D 🐉 🐉

The support is amazing ;);)🤗🤗
Support is what we need definitely…..not remarks like I sometimes get from people who really think it’s all in my mind… get out for a good walk the fresh air will do you good, or…don’t you think you are dwelling on your health too much. ……
I also suffer from severe arthritis and have had to have several surgeries on my spine. So I am used to bad pain, but fybro is very different it is worse because it just saps every bit of energy you have…….But then you all know that…..
Today I don’t feel too bad and I might even go out…….woweeee!

I'm one of the lucky ones, I don't really get much pain, (or I am just not registering it as 'pain' ) but the lack of energy, lack of motivation, the feeling of pointlessness.... that really gets me at times.

My shower is over the bath, and I can go a few days without a shower as I am not sure I can step into the bath, or, once in, whether I might not get out! Also, sometimes the shower can invigorate me, but sometimes I can feel my energy wash away and after I get out, it can wipe my whole day out, no energy and head completely sideways.

The opportunity to say things like this and not have people telling one how to overcome it or to just push through, that is what I find so supportive.

That alone has helped me so very much, and as I learn more about fibro and what the little gremlins get up to, the more I accept it and not belt myself up about it.

As one person said, learning to dance with fibro. That puts it so very nicely. :) :) 🐉 🐉 🐉 They do tend to step on ones toes, though :D:D:D
I totally get what you mean about the lack of energy, motivation and feeling of pointlessness……I used to love to crochet and now can’t be bothered . It’s as though someone has pulled the plug out of my energy…….Also having a shower completely wipes me out , and it’s a walk in shower with a seat. Even talking tires me out! .
Early last year I went on my own to Dubai ( my son and daughter in law and granddaughter live there.) He paid for me and I had a wonderful time staying with them. I should have gone again in April but felt to ill and now they want me to go in October…but I just don’t have the energy and it’s difficult to explain to them. My son says…But Mum all you have to do is sit and relax on the plane ( in business class with a bed) and then we will look after you and you will recharge yourself!…… My son is a pilot, hence the business class. I so want to go and if I have a reasonable good day I think I will, but then I go downhill again…….What a dreadful thing fibro is 🤬
hi @Birdlady10

I know it's near impossible, but try to psyche yourself into going, that it will be fine. I find it works now and then, well, sometimes, but it only needs to get you there.

I'm trying to change my attitude, we only get one shot at this life, and it is flying by so fast, so go for it.

Maybe get them to look at this site, they may be able to get a better idea of how fibro affects people, it sounds like they would be willing, if they want you there so much.

Look at the flight as "me time", just all about you and relaxing, doesn't matter if no energy, even no motivation. Leave that to the staff, just soak up the "me time" and make the most of it :) :) 🤗 🤗

Occasionally I am asked to go as companion on trips, a few hours driving, just as company, and I am now taking that attitude, and it is helping so much. It conserves the energy for things like going to the toilet and eating, the rest of the time I just zone out if need be. Last time, just last week, I was near zombie getting food, I just found a seat and left them order :D:D:D

I think the despondency is the biggest thing. I don't think that is fibro at all, but the way we feel when every turn we take is detoured or blocked by fibro. We start to give in.

I'm trying hard to figure what is fibro, and what is despondency, and trying to change my attitude and just 'go with the flow" and not let it get me down. Hmmm, she says, as she figures how to tackle the next few hours let alone days work requirements hahahahahaha I am such a "work in progress " :D:D:D

lots of hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Hello everyone from this newbie with so many questions. I have had fibro for many years on and off but this time it isn’t going at all. I usually go down with the extreme tiredness , being sick, and diarrhoea being main symptoms. I recently had a good heath check because I was having so many symptoms. I had an endoscopy, a CT body scan and a full blood count.. I have gastritis but I knew this, all bloods were fine. I also have IBS and some divicular disease…again I knew about these……….So they found nothing knew to explain why I feel so ill. Does anyone else get the extreme tiredness with bad nausea plus all the usual fibromyalgia symptoms??
Yes I get nausea,full body pain,constant migraines,anxiety,mood swings,the list could go on,been to the pain clinic had scans and basically they can’t find anything seriously wrong with me.i currently take fentanyl 50 mcg patches and numerous other meds.suffered for 25 years.its never let up and i get constant flare ups,immense pain mainly but also nausea and ibs.i’ve tried every med possible,swimming helps a bit but it always comes back.its a cruel illness and I’ve been in the thick of it for 25 years.i hope you feel better soon👍
Yes I get nausea,full body pain,constant migraines,anxiety,mood swings,the list could go on,been to the pain clinic had scans and basically they can’t find anything seriously wrong with me.i currently take fentanyl 50 mcg patches and numerous other meds.suffered for 25 years.its never let up and i get constant flare ups,immense pain mainly but also nausea and ibs.i’ve tried every med possible,swimming helps a bit but it always comes back.its a cruel illness and I’ve been in the thick of it for 25 years.i hope you feel better soon👍
And constant fatigue,could fall asleep standing up.if I sit in front of tele or lay down I’m gone
Thank you BlueBells you are so right, I should try because my son can get a ticket and if I couldn’t go he would just rearrange it. I am 79 so need to get on with life. I am going to really try to get them to understand fibro. They already know I have a lot of pain because of my spine , but I try not to keep moaning and maybe I should set them straight about fibro too. My hubby is 86 and won’t fly now , but he is really fit and mobile so helps me a lot .
Birdlady10, if you need to, in order to travel, use a wheelchair upon arrival of the airport. Staff will meet you at the curb and take you to your departure gate. Look into it.