feeling really sorry for myself

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You poor thing. Do you have any meds that can help with the pain?
First, I was diagnosed last week and have had pain for over 8 months now and I am already discussing a leave of absence. So you are a trooper.
It is important to communicate with your employer so they know it is not a lack of effort but a medical disability. What state are you in?

Relax and hang in there!
I have very good employers. It help that my brother in law is one of the bosses so he is well aware of how I can be and that's why we negotiated a four day work week when I was offered a full time job adder being there part time for over a year. They are all brilliant and supportive of each other there. Yes I have days where I'm not much good for anything but I still have ok days too. Gone are the pain free days though.
I get the runs type. Bad pains. It goes in cycles. You'd think I'd be used to it by now having suffered for twenty years. I'm always open to suggestions but I've tried most thing.
Thanks though.

Still sore today but a bit better.
I'm such a baby.. out of all the Fibro symptoms the bad belly is the thing I deal with the least. It's more disrupting than anything else.

twiztc, I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you have more than IBS going on here. I understand the pain and the cramping and know how it can ruin an entire day. Has your doctor ever run a stool analysis for you? You should be tested for parasites as well. It sounds like your intestinal system is completely out of wack. Have they ever done a colonoscopy on you? 20 years is way to long to go through these symptoms. Check on getting the testing done first, but I'm guessing (it's a long shot, but it's almost cured me) you have a sick bowel. It sounds like you have no healthy bacteria in your bowel (actually in the upper intestine). We aren't born with the ability to develop good bacteria in our bowels. That comes from the mother's milk; most of us are bottle fed and miss out on the good bacteria. Then comes the poor american diet, even if you eat fairly well, you may be missing the "good bacteria" you need. The other thing I suspect, is that you may have a hidden yeast problem in your GI system. If you do some research, it is unbelievable how sick Candida can make you. They can run a stool test for yeast now. If you want to use the suppliments below, consult with your doctor first. I did and because I had done all the research, she simply had to hear the plan and agreed I should try it. If you do have Candida, Diflucan can help, but you need a quick, safe way to eliminate the yeast overgrowth. First, when yeast breaks down, it's bi-products are toxic. So you will want to take Milk Thistle which helps protect the liver from damage when detoxing. You also need a very potent probiotic. Not one of those in commercials on TV, but a good one from a "good" health store. There are several options of how to get rid of the yeast, but I found an enzyme that eats the yeast walls and because it destroys the yeast, it can't replant. It's called Candex. Also, take Psyllium (fiber caps) to pull the yeast through the digestive tract and out of the body. There are three things it seemed my doctors never saw with scopes, one was the early signs of GERD and the second was IBS, and the last is chronic yeast. If this doesn't help or apply to you, I hope it will to someone. Good luck. You can get better if these are your issues. God bless.
I've had the scopes and several years ago I had periodic pool tests and nothing was ever found. It was always put down to nerves back then. I had a scope just a year and a half ago and it all still looks good. Now I'm back on my usual meds it's seems to have calmed down a bit. Yes I have noticed introducing some probiotic helps some too.
Interesting about the breast milk thin, my mum had a problem where she was unable to breast. feed any of us and we all four of us kids have some kind of auto immune problems later in life.
Don't feel bad that you had to leave work early. You tried the best you could to stick it out. We all have off days. And you are completely intitled to take a time out for yourself. Sometimes we need to say "I pass" and take some time to regroup. Be kind to yourself.

I hope you feel better soon.
It's ok, believe me. I had it for over 10 years. I know how much it hurts. I realize how difficult it is to cope with an illness that some consider an "invisible" illness. In other words, if thing or disability, then you can't possibly be in pain. I have said this on other threads, and I'll say it for a bit more. Always take a look at what a good allergy doctor tells you. Many who suffer will do better if they get immuno therapy from a good allergy doctor, as molds play a huge part in CFS. Maybe not everyone believes that, but I do. As soon as the doctor I had began to prescribe them for me, most of my symptoms almost disappeared. I actually began to feel energy. This doctor had people coming from all over the country. He never overcharged and always felt extremely compassionate. I would go into his waiting room and he had patients who were so bad, that they were in wheel chairs. They had come from as far away as California, just for his immuno therapy. Sadly he has passed away now.

Basically, Juicing, immunotherapy, treating your gut like a god, foot rotation. if you have IBS then do yourself a favor and learn to blend your foods, it might help you. Be well, and it's more than ok for you to feel the way you do, I've been there, I understand.
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