Feeling a bit down


Oct 16, 2023
After seeing a doctor 4 weeks ago discussing whether I may have Fibromyalgia and being asked questions which resulted in an "inconclusive" diagnosis I returned for a follow up appointment with her to discuss blood test results.At the first appointment she said that she was trying to rule out other causes.

Unfortunately, the appointment did not start well. While I appreciate how many patients a doctor sees, it was not a good start when she said "I haven't seen you before have I?". I told her that it was a follow up appointment with her and then she read my notes and read out "possible endometriosis". In my initial consultation we spent quite a while discussing the fact I have severe endometriosis, which due to complications resulted in me having a 50% chance of survival, an ileostomy and fistula, 11 days in intensive care and has left me with 18 cm of bowe, I was in hospital for 7 weeks. All due to the initial endometriosis.

We then went through my blood results, I have access to my notes and knew my Vir D was low and it had been listed as "abnormal, doctor needs to talk to patient, supplements needed". She never commented on the result. I mentioned it she said that it was fine and she didn't know why someone had written it. I have checked and consensus is that I need extra calcium, I tried to discuss my worry that I could have short bowel syndrome where calcium is not absorbed properly due to not enough bowel. I have regularly taken Menopause which contains calcium for years and spend plenty of time outdoors.

My face pain and headaches have been ongoing nearly every day since the beginning of September and are wearing me down, before this I would regularly get a "fuzzy head".

My headaches were worrying me so I saw someone between appointments and was given a spray for sinitis (no congestion) it has had no effect.

The doctor couldn't find my discharge letter from hospital earlier in the year when I was rushed to hospital as it was thought I had a stroke or brain tumour. I have 2 patches on my brain, but am told it could be due to age/high blood pressure or chlorestrol. My dizziness was put down to vertigo. I have had 3 times now.

The doctor has arranged for me to go for a CT scan of my sinuses, my brain scan when I checked my copy of my discharge letter from the hospital did mention a slight swelling of my sinus lining.

During my first appointment with this doctor in amongst many symptoms I did mention my "thermostat" feels like it's set incorrectly. I don't think I have got flushes as such, I often feel hot when I was previously cold and sleep with a very thin cover and with no night clothes. I am 60 years of age, I feel like this doctor has "cherry picked" this symptom. She said "I have made you an appointment with the Menopause Clinic and they will give you HRT". I am reluctant to have HRT as there is a lot of cancer in my family including my son at 17 and my Mum had a stroke at 52.

So far I had a hospital infection that very nearly killed me after an incorrect diagnosis resulted in a botched operation, been diagnosed with Psoriasis, Psoriatic arthritis, hyper mobility causing Chronic Pain Syndrome all if which I have been told now that I do not have.

Sorry for the long post, I am just feeling sorry for myself today after feeling so disappointed in the way by appointment went yesterday. The doctor never mentioned Fibromyalgia(which I maybe may not have) I just feel a lack of trust in doctors. I do appreciate how difficult it is with such a large workload I just feel unlistened too. When I rang the Fibromyalgia National Helpline earlier in the year I cried after the conversation as the lovely lady listened and explained why I was getting different symptoms, which really helped.
So sorry you had such a dismissive experience with that doctor.

If you can find a different person to go to, I recommend that you try to do so. That person doesn't sound like a very good doctor. They are busy, yes, but really good doctors always review the chart quickly before coming in to the room so they don't make dumb mistakes, and they spend the energy to make each patient feel heard.
Hello @HayleyO

I dont always 'perform ' well in GP appointments, a mix of anxiety and concern I wont be taken seriously. Can I suggest if your own GP has the same facility of my own, that you write a clear concise email to the surgery expressing your concerns and how the last appt has affected you?
This has worked successfully for me. I try not to be too defensive - or attacking- but its a chance to write clearly and calmly, sticking to concise facts and gives an opportunity to re-read what we write and correct facts,terms or the tone prior to sending it.

@sunkacola is correct that drs are so busy,but I feel very dismissed as a person when the Dr or Nurse clearly hasnt read the barest content of my notes.

If you do manage to get a good GP, in future ask to speak\see this one to ensure continuity if possible of treatment.
I think that is a good idea, @SBee .
I think that we rarely realize that we can actually complain about a doctor or a clinic. We know we can complain about a restaurant server who is rude, something like that, but we have mostly be conditioned to think we just have to take it if a doctor doesn't treat us right. I know I have taken bad treatment from doctors in the past and never said a word.

But you do have the right to complain. You can even write a review online that tells other people how you were treated. I did that once a few years ago when the people at the Pain Clinic I was going to treated me horribly disrespectfully, and in addition sent my medication to the wrong pharmacy 5 times in a row, despite my telling them every single time I went in there which pharmacy to send it to, and double checking twice before I left the building that they had it right. That is either deliberate or almost impossible incompetence. I wrote a very strong review online detailing (briefly) all of this, and how they spoke to me and treated me, and that review has been seen over 2,000 times and received many thumbs up responses. So it can make a difference.
Thank you for your replies. I know the surgery does have a review policy so will leave a review. I have access to my notes and it is just so disheartening when you see a doctor and then read their notes afterwards and they do not correspond to the conversation you had.

Two doctors have been unable to find my hospital discharge letter which contains important information, I found it very easily on my file. After so many diagnosis which have been proved wrong and a disastrous surgery leaving me with life changing consequences, I am worried by virtually non stop headaches since early September isn't being diagnosed properly.
I know there are many types of headaches, and I've had and still get my fair share of them. Might sound too simplistic, but often when I rub peppermint essential oil on my temples and lay down and try to relax, it helps.
Lavender oil on temples helps as well. Also it is a calming scent so takes away some of the stress that headaches can bring.
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