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I just don't discuss my personal life issues/ in particular my health status with anyone. Yes, that's right- I keep all my personal information to myself and when questioned by my nosey Aunt Francis, I simply smile and tell her that " I prefer not to discuss it".

Sometimes it's rather easy to tell who is really concerned about how you're doing and who is just asking to be nosy or because they feel it's some kind of obligation.

I don't like keeping everything to myself with a few people I know have a genuine concern... but those I know will make an issue out of things or mock it, no way will I say anything about any illness I may be dealing with.

Friskykitty, you said "with anyone." Does that mean you don't have any kind of local or family support system at all? :-(
since my cousin has had it for years and it stems from my mom's side of the family, my side of the family gets it. my husband's side, including my husband, just thinks it's all in my head. that hurts and makes me feel alone. i've gotten to a good place with medication but i still have flare ups that i'd like a little sympathy and i just can't get it from him. the leg cramping, pins and needles, headaches, fatigue, they're all "normal" every day symptoms and i'm just being dramatic. it would be nice if this condition had a simple test to say "yes, you tested positive for this horrific condition." even my doctor said he wouldn't wish it on anyone. i let it go because in retrospect it doesn't make me sit and feel sorry for myself, i keep going like there really is nothing wrong with me, but, of course, there are times when some support from your hubby would help.

i'm so glad your children watch out for you. i don't know what i'd do w/out my mom and my sister. to have the acceptance and support from those around you that you love the most is key to surviving.

thanks for letting me vent, felt good.
People who have never had this , just cannot get sis is in hospital ( for other things) but has fibro and i keep thinking much tougher it will be for her to recover..and another sister laughed at me and said ..i doubt she is worried with fibro right now...ugh like we can forget it when we have other issues..i thought have multiple family members with a genetic form of fibro and still are clueless...nice..
They are now telling my older sister in about a year she will feel herself because she will recover much slower
@ LLM1 that's pretty scary, my thoughts are with you, recovery from anything even a simple cold is so much harder with FM. I hope she has a speedy recovery. she's already got a good start with your support.

She does have good support..thank goodness..but because she does not have family member discounts it as though it is nothing.these people can be so those with chronic illness
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