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New member
Aug 18, 2013
About 6 weeks ago I had a very intense stressful week due to my adult daughter. My diastolic (lower number of your blood pressure) became elevated and I developed a pressure in my chest (sternum area). I was checked out and was not having a cardiac event. A beta blocker has helped bring my BP back under control.

Around the same time I developed a daily headache, mainly around the crown, as well as pain in my chin. Could have been from elevated BP or stress. However, stress level seems under control as does my BP. The headache has now become a full-face pain: above, behind and around both eyes, bilaterally going down the sides of my face and into the chin area. There is a slight pounding at the bridge of my nose and a feeling of heat there and hot flashes at the cheekbones. This pain ranges from annoying to full-out agony. It's not TMJ syndrome/disorder or sinuses.

Does anyone else have something like this? My doc has increased the Savella to see if that helps in the event this is a new symptom or part of a flare-up.

BTW, Savella seems to help with my pain although not totally. But Cymbalta stopped being effective. I had some nausea for a couple of weeks but everything is fine now.
Oh gosh, a new symptom? I have never experienced this and I pray to God I don't! I sincerely hope it comes under control soon.
Can you compartmentalize? Me neither but if possible, put the rift, whatever away for awhile to keep you from feeling so crappy. I know its hard not to obsess, esp when its one of your kids but do try. I'm getting better at it---now it takes a few days to get over it, instead of a month or longer. Take care.
ps--You would be surprised at the things you can live without in your life. Even just temporarily.
omg ive had this facial pain all wkend,! its horriffic, i just wanted to pull my eyes out and i couldnt even focus properly,really awful any tips what to do when this strikes,
I am sorry to hear you are suffering new pain and symptoms. I am also sorry to hear of your BP but glad that is improving. I actually get the heat flush feelings you have. So it very well could be from the Fibro. I do not experience chin pain though that I can think of. Sometimes I do have just jaw pain.
when my heads are bad my whole face hurts. I've had that for years, never thought it was fibro related
Dear notadumbld, I am so sorry you are experiencing facial pain. I too have on occasion had facial and head pain.. I mean pain like pressure so bad inside my head that it actually sounded rational to me to just hit myself with an axe to let the pressure escape. I know. Crazy making pain, pain you can't escape from. It ended up being trigeminal neuralgia. It's also known as tic doloreux. The trigeminal nerve runs just above the ear and controls facial muscles - eye movements etc. In TN, the myelin sheath, which covers the nerve, demylelinates leaving a raw, bare nerve exposed. There is a major artery right next to the nerve so that whenever your heart beats, the pulse bumps up against that raw trigeminal nerve resulting in horrific pain. I was put on a regimen of vicodin and depakote - it made me absolutely nuts - I couldn't function and it didn't take away the pain. I finally found an MD who worked in a chiropractor's office who gave me shots of lidocaine all over my face. It took 3 days of injections but it stopped the pain. Fortunately I've only had it four or five times over the years, but it is a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone. Good luck.
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