Does fibro make you feel depressed?

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Fibro can certainly be something depressing because we see our old life disappear. I think that support, like here in the forum, is something extremely important.
When my boyfriend was diagnosed, he was very depressed for a while and got into a bunch of different drugs & finally tried to kill himself. But since then he has gotten started on anti-depressants and counseling and letting more of his emotions and pain out and since then he isn't as depressed. Though there are days when he has his moments.
Hi Trellum, yes I have alot of depressing days, I get depressed because I try to do housework or something and half way through I have to stop because of pain or fatigue. Sometimes I cope with it and other days I get down. I have suicidal thoughts that keep coming in my head which I never had before all this. But they are just thoughts I would never do that to my Family. I keep that to myself nobody knows that but people on Fibro Forum. Why do I get thoughts like that? I don't understand.
I guess that doesn't happen to anyone else?
The people I know with fibro also get depressed, but I am not aware of any suicidal thoughts, possibly they have them, but we need to fight those thoughts away.
Hi Trellum, yes I have alot of depressing days, I get depressed because I try to do housework or something and half way through I have to stop because of pain or fatigue. Sometimes I cope with it and other days I get down. I have suicidal thoughts that keep coming in my head which I never had before all this. But they are just thoughts I would never do that to my Family. I keep that to myself nobody knows that but people on Fibro Forum. Why do I get thoughts like that? I don't understand.

Sorry, Lana, I hadn't seen your message until today! It's so hard to tell when my thread has got any new answers :( Wish this forum allowed notifications, it wouldn't hurt!

As for your depression, oh believe me, I get them! I sometimes get bad thoughts as well, but fortunately they don't stay long, maybe half a minute or so but then they vanish. They lasted longer when I was really depressed one year ago. Are you getting treated for this? If you decide to do so, Google your meds before taking them, some of them make people gain weight, but others don't. Talk about that with your doctor!
I think that doctors need to be asked the though questions, it's not just prescribe and walk away, there are serious consequences on those prescriptions.
Yes Trellum I'm like you the thoughts come in my head but they don't last long, I'm having such a problem with all these meds. Some really bad side effects that I had to discontinue some of them. I think some of these cause suicidal thoughts! I'm not taking depression pills at the moment because I think that's why I have been getting thoughts like this in the first place. It seems like every time I try a new med I get bad side effects. I had to go off of Cymbalta for the same thing. Right now the only one I am taking is Lyrica, and the pain has become significantly worse. I have a appointment next week with my Doctor to discus me next medication trail. Thanks Trellum at least I'm not alone. Gentle hugs
Oh yes! I find so disturbing that a lot anti depressant have as a main side effect suicidal thoughts! Something I find so ironic and odd, because how can it be possible for an anti depressant to cause suicidal thoughts? Aren't anti depressant supposed to be used to avoid that kind of feelings? It's just awful! This is why I fear and dislike meds... a med might be treating my GERD but secretly screwing up my kidney! No kidding!

Best of luck! I hope you find something that works for you and causes almost no side effects (because no side effects is almost impossible with most of those meds). Warm hugs and keep me posted! Let me know how it goes! Hope that doctor comes up with something useful!
I think that doctors need to be asked the though questions, it's not just prescribe and walk away, there are serious consequences on those prescriptions.

Yes, but they're rarely honest. o idea why! I guess they are paid by those pharma companies. They are rarely honest, I've asked several doctors about the side effects of certain meds, they often say X meds doesn't cause Y symptoms, then I Google online and find out they were wrong! I'm not sure if they actually lied on my face or they don't have idea what the heck they're prescribing... both thoughts are equally scary!
The people I know with fibro also get depressed, but I am not aware of any suicidal thoughts, possibly they have them, but we need to fight those thoughts away.

Well, I've came to the conclusion that the suicidal thoughts intensity and frequency are completely defendant on how bad the fibro of said person is. If it is really bad then odds are this persons suicidal thought are very intense and frequent.
When my boyfriend was diagnosed, he was very depressed for a while and got into a bunch of different drugs & finally tried to kill himself. But since then he has gotten started on anti-depressants and counseling and letting more of his emotions and pain out and since then he isn't as depressed. Though there are days when he has his moments.

Hi Keonna! Kudos to you for being such a wonderful and loyal partner! It's so good you support him, some people run as soon as they find out something isn't quite well. As for your boyfriend... i totally understand him. Dealing with this isn't easy at all! But glad to hear he is learning to cope with this!
Depression and Fibromyalgia seem to go together quite often for a lot of people. I have depression anyway, and this condition plus other ones as well as going through menopause has been very tough! It's very normal to feel depressed when your body doesn't work like you need for it to. When you want to do something physically or mentally and you can't, you can feel really out of control in what your body and mind do and how they react to the Fibromyalgia. I have wished many a day that I could have an easier time with this condition and hoping that if I was just positive enough I could make myself feel better. The truth is there are biological and neurological reasons as to why we don't have the kind of control on our lives that we would like to have. You just have to take care of yourself and reduce stress as much as you can. Eating well, sleeping good, and getting some exercise most days of the week can also help immensely! I hurt a lot more before I changed my lifestyle. I still have flares that are insane, but it is not as often as it used to be because of some of the changes that I have made. I do not take any meds specifically for the Fibromyalgia and that seems to work the best for me and my situation.

Yes most illness can make us feel depressed. We are so tired and in constant pain & overloaded, it's no wonder our brains can help us multitask as well as it does. Especially during times of a major flare.

The close association between fibromyalgia and depression/anxiety is a sensitive issue for many people. There is often skepticism about how "real" the condition is, and people with fibromyalgia (FM) often are told that they're "just depressed." These common misconceptions can make people with FM feel frustrated (and even defensive or resentful) see the frequently discussed links between these conditions. Some of these misconceptions come from the fact that FM and depression can have overlapping symptoms. But this does not mean FM is caused by psychiatric illness.

Finding a DOC that specializes in FM is the key to recognize & treat all the symptoms of FM including depression & anxiety. These can lead to other issues if left untreated.

Take care.
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