Does CFS affect your Sex Life?

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It may have an effect, mainly because sex is partly an emotional process. If you are not feeling well, definitely you're not in the mood, and that will directly affect the quality of the love that you give to your partner. This is a very tricky situation to be in, and as we all know, if this aspect of marriage is not doing well, it may sometimes affect your overall relationship. I had a friend who even had to consult a marriage counselor just to solve their problem on this area.
Thankfully, my chronic fatigue symptoms have improved a lot now. But during my worst years, I had no sex life whatsoever. I simply felt too exhausted even thinking about it. My partner at the time had a lot of understanding for my condition and never got frustrated. Or at least he didn't admit to it. I even told him that I didn't mind if he wanted to have sex with another person, as I simply didn't have any interest in it at all. The only condition was, that he would never tell me about it and keep his affair/s safe and discreet.
I can definitely see a potential correlation here. Thankfully, for me, it remains a non-issue. My significant other and I value our sex life, and I find that even if I am utterly exhausted, I can still muster the energy to enjoy that time with him.
It does a little but my partner is understanding of my condition. Sometimes I'm just don't feel well or feel too tired for sex. I don't believe in forcing myself to perform when I'm like this. My partner has told me he sees no point in sex if I'm not enjoying it and so he doesn't pressure me. We don't have sex everyday but I still think we have a good sex life and we keep it varied, fun, interesting.
Yea it definitely makes you less enthusiastic about the process. My wife understands it though and when we do have intercourse there is no disappointment. The only difference is it is not as often because of my CFS.
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