Does anybody crave ice cream?

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That can be it, it can be the body asking for more calories, but why does the body need them? Does the illness in some way requires them?
PythonPlay3, I saw your avatar and just had to comment on your cute Ball Pythons! One of them looks like my female Butter Black Pewter, Velvet!

And as for the ice cream question that's a big yes!

Ice cream does seem to reduce my pain level and it seems to relax my muscles. I've always thought it was carbs because french fries does the same thing when I'm flared up.
Interesting how everyone craves ice-cream, should it be because of the sugar, the cold, the combination of both?
My friend tends to crave ice cream and cake when she is having a flare up, I guess something to console yourself and to make you feel alittle better.
Research shows that people with fibro are low in serotonin. Carbs, especially sweets, satisfy that craving and need. I do love just about all sweets, and for the past six months at least, I've really craved ice cream. I always thought it had to do with the sugar and creaminess. It sure is horrible on my weight, though!
I crave chocolate milkshakes, but I have manged to have them only once or twice a month. If you like it eat sherbet more as the weight gain is not nearly as bad. And exercise when able. :)
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