I was diagnosed by a rheumotologist last August, and this week my GP decided to put me on Amitriptyline.
However, I'm reluctant to start taking it, and not just because of the potential side effects; also, some of the primary effects seem counterproductive to overcoming fibro symptoms. E.g.; drowsiness surely doesn't help with fatigue and attentiveness.
Which drugs have people had better experiences with: tricylcics, or SNRIs?
Hi Robert -
Admittedly, I'm one of those that did have almost exactly that problem: too zombified, only slight effect on sleep, but not restorative, and nothing else. Plus 8 side effects, some of which others wouldn't get (e.g. I'm seizure prone). I prefer brain with pain to no brain with no pain, but I'm easily zombified, by 2ml of CBD oil and 5% of a 2mg melatonin pill, too.
However, as sunkacola says others have completely different main and side effects, so you may not have much drowsiness, or if you do it's the right kind to get you to sleep better, but might not last till the daytime, in which case better sleep would help with fatigue and attentiveness, whilst the drowsiness remains at night. This you could experiment with, most importantly try taking it around 6pm.
My pain docs had differing opinions on dosage, one thought 5mg, then 10mg straight, then 25mg straight, another gave me the 2ml drops available here, so I could vary myself. Neither worked, altho varying myself is for me always better.
Like sunkacola said, there's no easy answer to which is the better med, or whether meds are good at all.
Generally, pregabalin/Lyrica, duloxetine/Cymbalta (found to be more effective for us than milnacipran/Savella), plus amitriptyline (and nortriptyline), belong to those people might want to try, if they believe meds might help. I've written a post on a meta-review here about how they roughly seem to compare for certain fibro symptom profiles. Gabapentin/Neurontin if there is a neuropathic pain too, altho there's almost no studies for fibro.
If you are generally skeptical about meds, sunkacola's advice post is a good place to start, and then stick around, and learn all the 100s of alternatives there - which also have to be trialled tho, as said.