

Active member
May 7, 2021
Remember me?! Probably not
I am the one who took eltrolate and all if a sudden was crying for no reason

It started in 2021... lasted for a month and then it was on and off... sometimes i feel like crying for one day or two then it goes away
I have been feeling ok for a while brother in law had an awful accident in Nov
It was a rollercoaster for us..perhaps this contributed to the bad feeling

Last week i started feeling heavy and i wanted to cry... it is still going on. I also feel that my body is weak and my shouldres are heavy.. i dont know if this fibro or my depression
I started taking magnesium and vitamn d two days ago .. i read that they help in cases if stress and depression
By the way i havent had my period for two months ( it has been on and off as well) and i started feeling like crying around the time i should have gotten my period not sure its related
@Fibrofighter39 I said in my responses to your other posts about this, I think it might benefit you to seek out a mental health counsellor/therapist. Since you identify as being depressed, it seems to me far more likely that this is causing your wanting to cry all of the time than that it is being caused by a medication you took years ago.

Serious depression and/or stress/anxiety can cause a woman to not have regular periods. But this is something you really need to have checked by a medical doctor, in case it is being caused by a physical health issue.

Please see your doctor about all of this and let us know how it goes.
I wish you all the best.
Hi @Fibrof39
I agree with @sunkacola and the above reply. Only thing I would query is whether some of the emotional side, the lack of periods and crying. Could it be a hormonal thing as well as the depression? I got fierce cyclical mood swings all my adult life that took me ages to realise they were linked to my periods.
Also whilst I dont know your age or circumstances ( no ones business but your own, you dont ever need to share anything you dont want to) could it be peri or hormonal fluctuations?
I would agree with sunkacola that you would be best speaking to a medical professional, just to see what is going on and how best to help you.
Do take care
I have talked about this with two psychiatrists, and i do see one regulary ! I am diagnosed with depression ! I did talk about this with her but she didnt seem to provide a clear answer of why this happens .i am 43 , so not having a regular period is pretty normal ( i did see a dr about this) i dont neglect myself whether physicaly or mentally. I seek for help whenever i need it. No dr was able to give an answer! One psychiatrist said that the meds has wet my depression ... which is us sth i did not understand
One psychiatrist said that the meds has wet my depression ... which is us sth i did not understand
I don't understand "meds has wet my depression". What does "wet" mean in this context?

At the age of 43 it is not at all uncommon for your periods to be uneven or for there to be long periods of time in between one and the next, as your body prepares for menopause, so if you have consulted a medical doctor about this and all seems well I wouldn't worry about that. It's completely normal.

Glad to know that you are seeing a therapist for the depression. Very often people with depression feel the need/desire to cry often or all the time, so that is perfectly normal as well.

I did talk about this with her but she didnt seem to provide a clear answer of why this happens
I don't understand what you are referring to clear answer as to why what happens?

The uneven periods or the wanting to cry? There's no answer to why depression causes someone to want to cry all the time.....if you are depressed that is just one of the things that happens for some people. For others, depression shuts down all emotions and makes it impossible to feel anything.
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Thanks fir the answers
The thing is that i fo have a desire for life i clean, i cook and i go out .. i slso plant in my garden and listen to music i dont and wint let this crap win
Once i sit around ppl i dont have the heavy feeling like when i am alone ... so many things going on
My missed up periods, my brother's in law 'accident... they all piled up to make feel like hell
But i will win this i am sure