Dealing with Pain

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Jan 4, 2014
We are in a situation right now where our family is having to deal with social services. As I've shared before, my husband has a prescription for Percoset because of his chronic pain.

The other day the social worker pretty much said that we will not be able to get our children back unless he stops taking his prescription. That leads me to the question, do you know of any way to deal with chronic and nearly debilitating pain without using any kind of narcotic pain medication?
I would like to suggest that you read through the pain management and alternative methods sections. It seems that the government is now trying to crack down on the use of addictive by taking them away from everyone regardless of their condition. I use Neurontin for pain, but other members can share what works for them.

Chronic pain management is different for everyone, as in what works for one, might not work for your husband. Did your social worker or has your doctor offered any other choices in medication that would not prevent the return of your children? If I was you I would speak to your doctor and see if he can help provide an answer to this issue.

The suggestions we have mentioned help some with fibro, and may help your husband in lessening his pain so that he can do without percoset, and maybe use a drug that your social worker will approve of in helping with your families case. I wish you the best of luck. :)
Doran I am so sorry...that is horrible! Do you guys have an attorney? It doesn't seem right that they should be able to keep your kids away from you because your husband NEEDS a prescription pain pill.
We are in a situation right now where our family is having to deal with social services. As I've shared before, my husband has a prescription for Percoset because of his chronic pain.

The other day the social worker pretty much said that we will not be able to get our children back unless he stops taking his prescription. That leads me to the question, do you know of any way to deal with chronic and nearly debilitating pain without using any kind of narcotic pain medication?

I'm really sorry that the state has taken your babies away, that's really bad. How is it that something that's prescribed for your hubby by a doctor is the reason they wont return your kids? Sounds strange that they would be going against a doctors advice; he clearly thinks he shoould have his meds,so why the problem?

Have you seeked out any legal advice on the matter?Might be a great idea if you haven't. Keep us posted.
Have you looked into prescription topical pain relief? There are no side effects or pills that directly affect the body outside of the area that needs relief. I urge you to look into this. A&R Pharmacy in Liberty, MO has a great team that will answer any questions you may have. I hope this helps you guys!
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I hate CYS and I'm sorry you have to deal with them. Seemingly they don't understand being handicapped, which is what fibro and chronic pain are: handicaps. With that being said, just because you're handicapped doesn't mean that you can't be a good parent. I don't know what to tell you to take but I'd talk to my doctor to find out and to have them help get off the Percs without having bad withdrawal.
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