If going out shopping (once or twice a week at most for essentials), I now seem unable to handle carrying more than one thing,
even though I always use a shoulder bag with the necessary wide strap that goes across the body, so my hands are free (in theory)
but fact is, if I had any other kind of bag I'd leave it somewhere.
At a push, I can just about mange a clutch of bags-for-life but add the likes of a hat, scarf, umbrella, gloves & a face mask,
and there is an inevitable commotion & first scene of the outing, when I inevitably drop the face mask, usually in a dirty puddle more or less immediately, so can't wear it.
Then, after taking forever making difficult to impossible decisions about which groceries to buy, as for some reason I can't make decisions about anything anymore & it doesn't help that I always discover I've lost my specs halfway through the ordeal.
I then usually cause a scene at checkouts, as I fumble about trying to find my purse etc
& thus, realise that I have become one of those infuriating people at the front of the queue holding everyone up take forever to sort themselves out.
When exiting the supermarket in a state of near collapse,
I find I have no idea where my friend's car (she kindly gives me a lift as I always cause chaos on buses, even if I get the right bus).
is parked, even though I was in the car when it got parked.
Finally, when I make it home bad-tempered in a state of total mental & physical exhaustion,
I discover, as usual, that I've left a trail of my belongings in my wake, though I cannot recall where.
So I reckon I'm now a fully paid-up card-carrying member of 'The Lost & Confused Club'
but hey ho, what's life without a challenge