I was finally diagnosed about 2 years ago by a neurologist after several tests and scans. He prescribed me meds and told me to follow up with my primary doctor. Well, he had no clue about Fibromyalgia and when I had side affects from different meds, it took him forever to get back to me. The last meds caused me to gain 50lbs in 3 months. Someone mentioned for me to find a rheumatologist. So I did about 6 months ago, after my initial I thought he'd be better, but again he's no better, he took me off all my meds and gave me something for restless leg syndrome. I called the office to let them know i was in alot of pain and that my muscle cramping was unbearable and his nurse pretty much called me a drug seeker. I went on their portal and left the doctor an email and he put me on new meds but that whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth, not to mention I'm still in pain but afraid to call them back. SMH