Can Men Get Fibromyalgia?

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Yes, they can. My best friend has it and I'm one of the few friends that have supported him through out the years. I was surprised when I found out because he's really young, I guess I was under some wrong impressions about Fibromyalgia.
I'm a male 25 and it's not pleasant that's for sure. Comes and goes in severity for me. As time has progressed the good days are far and few in between.
I'm new to these forums and I have read a few articles on Fibromyalgia and I was just wondering, is Fibromyalgia a disease that only affect women? Or can men be susceptible to this disease as well?

I'm asking because I (a male) seem to have most of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia but I've been getting conflicting answers to this question, from the articles I've read.

My kids mother keep telling my to stop worrying about it, and that I'm to young (24) to have such a disease, even if guys can get it. Can someone please answer this question for me though, it would ease my mind one way or the other.

Please help!

I really do think men can experience it too, although I think women are more observant in terms of what they feel that they seem to be the one who are able to diagnose it faster. I think also it's because men have the tendency to tolerate pain and discomfort as much as they could, and so they can really go undiagnosed for a long period of time.

If you are observing some symptoms, there's nothing wrong if you will visit a doctor and have him look into it. It's better to see something early than later on.
As hmark4597 said women get it more often. For every 10 people to get fibro 9 will be women, 1 will be a man. But yes men get it, I have it. several guys on here have it. I was diagnosed when I was 21, looking back I showed symptoms in my teens.
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