Buttock, lower back and leg pain at night.

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@JayCS today is one of my quote unquote break days and I've got that on my list of things to do. In the meantime I've learned an awful lot these past 2 weeks about managing and treating my FM, particularly about sleeping position and back pain, using a cushion beneath my knees when I am seated on my Chaise with legs reclined, treating gut health and gut pain, confirmed by process of elimination and supplementation that I am indeed lactose intolerant, confirmed the harmful effects my prescribed psyllium was causing, confirmed the high dose of magnesium prescribed by my pain management doc was doing more harm than good so cut back on that and seeing improvement already, using other otcs such as lactase enzymes, simethicone only as needed and peppermint slash fennel seed for stomach/ intestinal discomfort. It's been quite an exciting week for me and I am really beginning to see some hope toward a better quality of life. Still looking forward to getting that adjustable bed and going back to that topic Jay currently I am using pillows in my bed to prop up my LEGS at about right now just a 15 to 20 degree angle and that has greatly relieved my back pain. I have always been a side sleeper so it is taking some getting used to to switch to being a back sleeper, but I've had some great nights of sleep lately and minimal pain in the morning in the back area, much less than previously. I didn't go into detail earlier about my arm and other things but yeah I do have cervical ridiculopathy so your idea about researching pinched nerves on YouTube is superb, I also have degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis in my cervical vertebrae and right thumb joint. It is a strong bet or at least a mediocre bet that my right arm pain, the nerve pain, would indeed be caused by the ridiculopathy in my neck and potentially neuropathy from HIV and HIV meds, perhaps a combination of both. So it has been a very productive week in this area for me (FM) and thank you for encouraging me and spurring me on. 🙏
@JayCS jay, do you find that battery operated massagers work well? I love my massage stick and have been thinking about adding in a personal electric massager but was curious as to your feedback and any others who might wish to comment.
My husband bought for me a massage machine with 4 different attachments and a massage table too. we started to use usually 3-5 times a week the last 4 months and my back pain and neck and lower back pain reduced about 70 % it make my daily routine much easier, It was from ebay less than $ 50.00 and worth every cents. I think it is worth to try, but you need to help somebody to do it on your back because you need to lay down on your stomach. you can use yourself on you arm , neck and legs. I hope it will help someone, for me it is really useful. I am very tired lately a couple days ago I slept 18 hours in one night. I have sleep upnea use the machine but sometimes my tiredness is ery overwhelming.
I did get one it just arrived yesterday. I'll be trying it out today. Unfortunately, I have no one to help me out using it in the hard to reach places. Perhaps someday. I hope. In the meantime, I will use it on myself as best I can. Thank you for the feedback.
Wow, @JamieMarc, what a string of successes! Yeah psyllium and high dose magnesium harmed me too. Fennel is OK for me, but peppermint is poison for my hyperacidity, maybe if it helps it means someone is hypoacidic.
I get how generally changing sleeping positions isn't easy. Sleeping on our backs is bad for many, not just me, hearing Mayo Clinic say in a video it's bad for people with sleep apnea reminded me that if my tailbone'd allow me to stay on my back next would be my soft palate making funny noises and waking me up, despite years of training it, believing I could prevent a snoring issue come up. So great you don't have a problem with it.
Cervical ridiculopathy? :ROFLMAO: - Yeah, I think we'd all subscribe to having ridiculopathy ;-). Love that typo.... 👍
But any terms we learn from docs or videos can help find further videos, so radiculopathy with or without cervical will do that. And always remember to change "filters" to "videos" for a longer selection.

What I keep learning on the web is that even such imposing amounts and severity of conditions as yours have many things we can do for them. Something that manual therapists know much better than docs, but again the variety and individuality on youtube for that is unsurpassable.
So it's really great when we don't let ourselves get intimidated but carry on looking and trying, like you are!!
I'll be trying it out today. Unfortunately, I have no one to help me out using it in the hard to reach places. Perhaps someday. I hope. In the meantime, I will use it on myself as best I can.
I'd be delighted if you find you can do more yourself than you believe... 👐 😁
you need to help somebody to do it on your back because you need to lay down on your stomach
Again, similar to what I described to @JamieMarc, even on my stomach I manage to get at all areas of my back....
Do I really? 🧐 🕵️‍♂️ Lemme see....

OK, from theory to practice: I just got mine (I assume what I call massage pistol is the same as yours) down from the flat into the garden. Put a mat out and laid down on my stomach on it. Then turned it on and put it in my right hand - my worse wrist at the moment, table tennis plus now gardening, but it's both wrists, so 'fibro'.
And was surprised to find that ....
not only can I reach every part of my back with one hand alone, but I also hardly have to move the hand at all.
I just let it rest and turn the massager.
Interesting also the difference with my left hand - as it is stronger I didn't feel the need to rest it. But the effect on my back was the same.
Now from a certain point onwards between middle and lower back I have to angle my arm slightly differently.

So another challenge: Can/did I really get to areas above my shoulder blades with my arm under my shoulder?
Yes, I can! With my right arm/hand I can get to my complete left shoulder blade and partly up my neck. I can also do most of my right shoulder with my right hand, except the 2-3'' directly around the shoulder.
So of course I can get to my right shoulder using my left hand.
And if I go "overhead", arm above shoulder, I can get to everywhere with either hand/arm, down to under my hunchback (around Th10 I'd think).

I'm not a contortionist and I haven't got EDS. When I stand my fingertips go the middle of my thighs.
Not saying everyone can do this, I'm encouraging first to try and then to practice and improve using stretches - or actually just doing it as far as it'll go is a stretch in itself.
Which reminds me that I often combine twist-stretching and self-massage, esp. successful on my neck.
As expected, my right wrist is now hurting, so I'll be doing DoctorJo's video on it now....
(If It were hurting without me straining or pressing it, I'd've long done something about it.
I know it will stop hurting soon, unless I press it, but: zero tolerance, prevention...
I want it gone, completely, and to not (usually) come back.

..... Better already from her stretches,
but there's still one bit, if I search for it a bit, so I'm going to try stretching just so that that point hurts.
Also discovering a point over and under that thumb that I'd forgotten. In a wrong position it hurts a lot. Again that's a spot, no 2 spots, that can rear its/their pretty head sometimes and of course is connected to the wrist.
And looking further there's a lot of further spots inside the palm and back of my hand.
Examples for the whole of my body, so to save time it's about prioritizing symptoms, finding the most effective exercise and doing that while doing something else, all day, like at the moment while eating and thinking what to write next...
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Cervical ridiculopathy? :ROFLMAO: - Yeah, I think we'd all subscribe to having ridiculopathy ;-). Love that typo....
Lol 😂 thanks for pointing that out Jay. Gave me a good laugh and laughter always feels great.
I love the massage gun @JayCS
What a wonderful addition! I found I was able to use it on most of my back even with my bad arm, my neck, shoulders, behind my knees, the soles of my feet etc. This is something I will be using every day in addition to my new heating pad for my back. Things are looking up each day! 🥰
@JayCS I finally got a hanging bar Jay. I installed it in an open doorway in my new home. The purpose of this reply to you is to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing so much, because without that I never would have tried or perhaps even thought of a hanging bar.
I use it everyday now, just as you describe. Most of the time I feel that gratifying pop and relief as you described. It's only been a few days, but I already feel better generally and I firmly believe that daily use of it like you do is really going to make a big change in my pain levels. So thank you again! You are the best man!
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