@chestert6 good morning!
At the risk of stating the obvious, I have found the best way to deal with my own fatigue is lifestyle changes, re-examining medications and adding supplements.
The first thing I focused on is sleep. Not just that I'm getting enough sleep but then I am getting enough deep sleep. For that, I stick to a strict sleeping waking schedule, have found the best mattress and pillow I could, and take certain medications and supplements at bedtime to help with deep prolonged sleep.
I also find that exercise or activity begets energy in my case. Everyday I might go for a bike ride, do household chores, work on DIY projects or engage in favorite hobbies.
I have also found that a low-carb diet has helped me with my energy level. And cutting out alcohol.
Socializing is also important. Spending quality time with friends or family on a regular basis. Doesn't have to be every day. This one is especially hard for me since I also have social anxiety, but with the help of my therapist and medication I am socializing more and taking risks to break through my social anxiety by joining a social group.
I am careful to look at my medications to see which may cause fatigue or drowsiness and either eliminate them if possible or switch to something else.
I take many supplements, some with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Recently, I started a 3-month three times a day supplement of glutamine to help repair any digestive system issues. I also love my smoothies and d-ribose. I find that a heavy breakfast weighs me down, so I enjoy along with my coffee a breakfast of vanilla Greek yogurt, low sugar, sprinkled with almonds cashews and walnuts as well as the ribose. I include the ribose in my smoothies as well.
All of the above and other things I cannot remember right now give me at least 7 hours a day of energy. And for now that's enough for me.
Since we are all so different I wish that I could give you the answer that would take away your fatigue. If you have not already, I would definitely speak to your doctor about this and also a nutritionist might be a good idea. And take a good look at your lifestyle, diet and medications and see if there are any culprits in there or things that you can change.
I wish you the best of luck and you have my empathy. Fatigue is just as bad as the pain. Keep your chin up, don't give up and continue asking questions and looking for solutions.