BFS or Fibro?

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Allweneedislove, I love the name by the way.

Please let me tell you that you have got to stop the strength testing. Whether you have Fibro, or BFS (I lean real strongly on the BFS) but which ever it is, your muscles are going to be screaming at you if you keep up the strength testing. They are sensitive rite now, for what ever reason and what you are doing to check for weakness is only going to cause them to spasm and freak out more. I'm still nursing a right ankle I screwed up during my crazy time with all the crazy strength testing I did, and that was months ago.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I really think you sound like another classic case of BFS, but thats just my opinion, and its best to have other things ruled out by your doctor first so you can rest easier and find a way to cope with the BFS symptoms.Its a benign condition, but it has a slew of its own NOT disabling BUT debilitating symptoms that can reek havoc on your body and mind if you dont learn how to care for yourself while you have it, mentally and physically. Read up on it if you havnt already, you may very well find yourself reading about a bunch of people who sound just like you. (Myself included).

Good luck tomorrow, although I think you're good;)

I mean no disrespect when I say this, but dont get stuck here.

Take Care

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