I've had Fibro.for about 20 yrs diagnosed.
I think everyone who has it, experiences
it at different levels of pain. Some have to
lessor degree & can work. Where others
have severe & are on disability & no way
could they work. The same is true for
meds & treatment. One thing works for
one person & the next person it does
nothing for. Exercise, diet, holistic
treatments can also affect each differently.
Hot water therapy with exercises
help. Low stress on body. Of course
the trick is finding one near to you.
Cause we all know, when a flare up
happens, you are not able to drive.
Also sometimes hot mineral springs
help. But I have to say, sometimes
the heat has also caused flare ups.
Walking in the country or forest or
out in nature in quite place. I agree
with all the advice with yoga, tai chi,
deep breathing, meditation, dancing,
Qi gong, massage, Accupuncture help.
These modalities along with others
Help but again you have to learn what is
enough & not too much on some of these
as overdone they can also cause
flare ups. Each person should only
do what they are able & that goes
for every single thing in your life.