Bad night sweats


New member
Aug 31, 2024
Hi there, I’ve had fibromyalgia for years but only recently got formally diagnosed. Night sweats never used to be a symptom I had until about 4 months ago. They’ve now gotten so bad in the last three weeks that I’m fully soaking through my pyjamas each night. My doctor said it’s not usually a fibromyalgia symptom. Just wondering if anyone else experiences this? I don’t consider myself in a ‘flare up’ during the past three weeks either. Just the regular everyday pains and fatigue. Thank you :)
Hi @Hayley_d
Welcome, hope you can find a lot of information and support within the forum. Regarding night sweats the one thing that immediately sprung to mind was could this be hormonal? Either perimenopause or post menopause can cause pretty awful night sweats - obviously you may not wish to reveal what stage you are in in the hormonal side of things on the forum, ( we should all feel free to offer as much or as little detail as we wish as individuals)
but also I would have hoped your dr would have considered this possibility.
@SBee Thanks so much :) I don’t know anyone else with fibromyalgia, so this forum has already been so helpful to read up on. I’m 32 so have considered the possibility of very early perimenopause but I suppose it’s highly unlikely. I’m just struggling to not let my mind wander into health anxiety territory and assume lots of frightening causes!
I never lime to presume anyones age or personal health details unless they like to share @Hayley_d ! Only other thing I can think of is maybe a side affect to any meds you may be on?
Its so very easy to 'blame' a different symptom on fibro, I am very guilty of doing so myself, but more on the hormonal havoc -by the time I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia I had learned my lesson of easily appropriating blame and began to do proper research... This forum has helped me in so many ways and I hope your knowledge will benefit being here and also a supportive place to be.
Hi! I have had Fibromyalgia since age 34 and I started having night sweats at age 37. My doctor said I was too young for menopause, but it seems the Fibromyalgia may not have read that book! I suffered until age 44 when the night sweats finally stopped, along with my migraines, and all the weight on my bottom migrated to my waist, suggesting menopause. This prompted the proper blood tests to finally be ordered, which proved I was now all the way through with menopause. So, my night sweats were due to early menopause. I would ask your Gyn for proper testing, just in case. If they are menopausal night sweats, I had a friend who totally controlled hers with a supplement called Black Cohosh.
Hi there, I’ve had fibromyalgia for years but only recently got formally diagnosed. Night sweats never used to be a symptom I had until about 4 months ago. They’ve now gotten so bad in the last three weeks that I’m fully soaking through my pyjamas each night. My doctor said it’s not usually a fibromyalgia symptom. Just wondering if anyone else experiences this? I don’t consider myself in a ‘flare up’ during the past three weeks either. Just the regular everyday pains and fatigue. Thank you :)
What meds are you currently taking?your doctor has not read in depth at all.anxiety or hormonal could be to blame.go back to the docs and get checked and don’t rule out fybro issues.its a minefield.doctors just haven’t got the time or knowledge on this horrendous symptom.hope you get to the bottom of your sweats.i’m currently getting severe sweats on duloxetine.take care x
I am post menopausal and have gotten nights sweats now for several months. I'm miserable until my hubby one week ago bought a cooling mattress topper. OMG, this thing works and brought me so much relief. It also helps with my hips...