Arm pain

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Legendary member
Jul 17, 2013
My left arm and hand are both killing me :( To make matters worse my mom hit me with the metal end of the seat belt :( I have a bruise, and the elbow also hurts. I don't know what to think... in the past I've had pain in this area, but this has lasted quite a bit now :( Is someone experiencing something similar? Any recommendation?

Everything seems to hurt lately... It seems I'll have no choice but start pain meds soon, I was trying to go on like this until possible, but it seems soon I'll have no choice but resort to pain meds.
I have a lot of pain in my arms, particularly my left one on a fairly regular basis. I have been diagnosed over the years with both golf and tennis elbow, as well as similar ailments in the wrists, hand joints and shoulders. Is your pain in the joints, or elsewhere? My bones hurt from the arthritis, and I also have a connective tissue disorder, so the ligaments, etc., also hurt. For some reason, lately I've been experiencing a lot of pain in my left arm. I can't think of anything I did in particular that caused it, and I don't recall having this in the past. I don't know if that's similar to what you're feeling, but the only way to describe it is that my arm feels broken. I'm having a flare of my back and neck pain as well, and I recently flipped my mattress, so I'm thinking perhaps it's related to that, and when I'm able, I'm going to flip it back.

On another note, did your mother hit you on purpose, or what it by accident? I don't recall you mentioning anything similar in the past, so I'm inclined to think it was an accident, or at least I hope it happened by mistake. If it didn't, I hope you are able to get out of the situation, and not have to deal with physical or other abuse. I hope you post again and let us know how the injury occurred. I was hit plenty of times with a belt when I was a child, and I know the metal buckles can hurt. Ice can help to reduce swelling, and for a new injury, it's often helpful to alternate ice packs with heat, but after a day or so, just use the ice packs, for the swelling. It would probably be beneficial to use pain meds at first, but just be careful not to get reliant on them, especially if there's an emotional pain component.
Hi, thanks for the fast reply :) When it comes to my hands I feel pain in the joints of a couple of my fingers :( Then also the palm, the center of my arm and elbow. I hope I can get a diagnosis soon, writing this is painful :( Have you found some relief for the pain caused by those issues? Do you also have pain in your fingers? Lately mine have been so bad :(( Is your pain constant and of the same intensity? Mine only in the fingers, the rest seems to be worse early in the morning and late at night. It's odd. I am oping this has nothing to do with a recent Salmonella infection, I was reading about it yesterday, that it can sometimes cause arthritis :(((( My middle finger (left arm too) is killing me!

It was by accident, but this was the second time :( It was so unlucky it was the ''bad'' arm again. I'm sorry to hear you have to experience that as a child, my mom was very harsh with me when I was little, thankfully all stopped when I was 13. I'm glad everything is ok in our lives now, excepting for the chronic pain ;)

Thanks a lot, your reply is super helpful, I will try with ice, specially my fingers!!! I need to have this checked on Monday (going to see the GP) so she can tell me if she can notice any sort of swelling in my joints!

I hope you feel better soon, neck pain is awful! I get that one often, that and headaches (I've an angioma), and I swear it ought to be the worst places to hurt, specially if I need to get something done or go to work or just be productive. Do you know what causes the pain in your neck? Mine is apparently a muscular thing (MRI showed no issues).
Hi Trellum.....i have arm wrist hand ans finger pain most of the time....sometimes if i dont do much even typing it gets bearable...but often keeps me awake at night .

It changes to a degree but is lurking all the time if that makes sense and can go from bearable to screaming pain in minutes if i over do it or get stressed.
I was like you and didn't take pain meds for first 7 years of fibro...even when it was bad....something in me wanted to learn and manage this condition by pacing my activities and mixing up what i did.

Two years ago I had to give in and take something that sometimes takes the edge off. Maybe you could discuss having something to help during the worst pain rather than take regularly?

It's very normal for fibro pain to be worse on the morning and then again by early evening...even on my best days by about 5pm my body was saying I've had enough and would just ache all over.

Hope this helps.
Good Luck
Remember the old song head shoulders knees and toes . Well Im sure a fibro sufferer wrote that.westher makes mine worse.i mean humid weather.i seem to hurt everywhere to fact it would be easy to point out the bits that don't hurt .
Sorry to hear of your pain. My left arm and hand have really been bad the last two days also. Often with my fibro this happens. It can be any where on my body really. Beside the all over pain I have all the time. I will get localized pain as well. It can last a day or sometimes for weeks on end. I find going back and forth with heat and ice will help sometimes. Try not to do any repetitive motions if you can help it. Makes mine worse anyway. Ibuprofen can help a little if you are not taking anything else. I now take tramadol and gabapentin, they are the only meds that have helped me. Doesn't get rid of all the pain but makes it better. Try some mild stretching and gentle massage. Hope this helps and good luck .
I have been having pain in my left hand, it feels swollen and it is hard to make a fist. it comes and goes. nothing seems to help. My pain doctor will not prescribe opioids, however I have some tramadol left from an ER visit and they are the only opioid medication that work!
My relative also had a similar issue. Her pain had turned unbearable. She had tried a few stretches that had helped her reduce the pain. Came across this article which has good stretches to help with the pain

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Hi Trellum
It really does sound like fibro to me. I am lying here with a heating pad on my neck and arm hoping it will help some. And just aching all over.
So sorry you are having so much pain as well. Yes sometimes ice does help to .. I go back and forth. I have been crocheting and that really set mine off. Hard even to type ,,keep hitting the wrong keys. Getting sharp pain in my fingers too. Doesn't help that I had my third surgery on my back 3 months ago. Ruptured a disk talk about pain ... never have I felt so much pain. But long story short, last surgery was to fuse the lower part of my spine. NOT fun. I have been in so much pain from that, just not healing like it should the Doctor tells me. I think having anything else that is hurting you just makes the fibro worse as well. So you may have more than one thing going on, but I really do think fibro is part of it.
Yes the pain always seems worse in the mornings and at night. Because your tired and worn out at night, then when you haven't been moving much at night the pain is worse until you can start moving for a while.
For me I wake up early just to take my meds an hour before I have to get up, then do some stretching in bed especially my feet, legs and hands
Even then it will take a couple of hours after I'm up for the pain to really get much better. And it is not helping that I haven't been able to move much.
I keep meaning to ask everyone if they have Costochondritis? It is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone. I have had it for years now and my doctor said many people with fibro can have it. Feels like someone punched my sternum on a daily basis.
I hope you get some answers and I wish all of you have a great day. Take care Lloue
Sore arms are common and are usually the result of exercise, sports or repetitive motion. Symptoms can include pain, swelling or cramps. Minor problems usually resolve on their own. Though you should see a doctor if the pain is severe, there are many things you can do at home to help with the pain and allow your arm to heal.
I have severe pain doing nothing in my whole, severe fibro activity is not required to cause the pain its just there 24/7 my arms hands shoulders are extremely painful even when I'm trying to sleep.
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