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Anyone else on the reddit r/Fibromyalgia?

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Feb 5, 2018
I'm not dissing this forum at all but sometimes when you need an answer or talk to someone right away, its a few days in between.

I suggest to go check it out if you haven't already - i'm really not a bit reddit type person, but the forum on there is great, and lots of info and plenty of other people to talk to :)
yes this forum used to be very active but its been very quiet for some time which stops people logging on and taking part...its a real shame.
What can we do in order to contribute to this forum so that it would be active again like before? Would you give us some suggestion as I joined this forum only eight days ago ?
I know for me, when I'm not in a bad flair I would cram in everything I could not do when in to much pain. Then the last few times I got on here there seemed to be to much drama and not enough supporting each other. People do come and go, hopefully because they have either found good treatment or discovered another cause. I think when there's drama on here people are likely to not want to post in fear of getting criticized and the dialogs stop.
I think we all have been busy with our lives and just forget sometimes to check in and catch up with everyone. I have tried to keep the forum drama down and it helps when I get messages if there is a problem. I hope you all will continue to check in and take time to read the back posts , as well as, the new ones. Lots of time you can find the answers you need that way.

I have been working and dating a bit and that keeps me busy, but never to busy to help anyone. The important part of having fibro is self management. Since there is no cure and all we get is medication from doctor's, it is good to share the things we do at home to cope with this illness. As I said we try to keep up with all newbies but if were are slow don't leave just start reading and posting, and we will get to you as soon as possible. :)
Would it be possible to have a group of members who volunteer to write promptly to those newly join the forum? When I see the newcomers posted without getting an early reply I have a concern. As I do not want them to feel disappointed, I prefer to write first to those who get no reply. It is true that often times at the beginning I do not know what to say, still it would be nice for them to receive a warm welcome with encouragement from the members. For each one of us, there is a time to give and a time to take; I thank wholeheartedly all those members who have given their time and their kindness for me to receive, in particular, Nick, who was the first one to welcome me when I joined the forum last month. I would follow their good examples in giving so as to be helpful in some way to the forum and the Fibromyalgia sufferers.
Isweed, I appreciate you for the time and effort you put into the forum. I think your right I should have reported what I was seeing. I had not been in the forum for a while so when I did get on I did not recognize some of the posters that I felt were bickering back and forth. I guess I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt as sometimes what we type changes meaning without tones and facial expressions but I didn't want to join in if daggers were flying. And I guess I still have a bit of residue from childhood of not wanting to be a tattle tale.
Work and dating can take the energy right out of you so I know you are sacrificing a lot of your free time to help keep this forum going and so I say thank you again.
Anyone is welcome to pitch in and welcome new members. We all try to answer each one that is at least to add to the conversations in the forum sections. So please feel free to answer and post throughout the different sections. And if you see something just click on the red triangle icon on the left side of each post and let me know a bit about problem and I will do my best to stop or delete whatever is going on.

There are so many posts I sometimes don't see them all or have time to read every answer, so I am happy when all of you help in this manner. It helps keep the forum running smoothly and does not chase people away. :)

P.S. Thanks Eyesup for your encouraging comments. :)
I always used to jump in and do long supportive replies to as you can see by the number of posts over the last 2 years. Sadly my fibro has been so bad for so long i haven't been able to continue so much typing while also having my lap top as my main source of activity everyday for say reading the news or online researching and communicating with friends to pass long lonely days.

I also hope everyone chips in to welcome newbies.

The other thing i found after putting much effort in hundreds of times to reply often the person never comes back and acknowledges or replies again..they just disappear.

After this happens repeatedly when i have pushed myself to reach out and even hurt my hands typing a supportive reply i have felt a bit despondent and so more recently have held back to protect my hands and arms when i would actually like to be able to respond.

I'm so pleased to see others keen to welcome newbies because they do usually come here in a place we have all been ..maybe desperate and trying to come to terms with being newly diagnosed or worried about symptoms and how to cope.
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