Anxiety medications

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Jul 18, 2013
Hi guys,
I’m a little intolerant (ok, a lot) to traditional fibro meds, namely Cymbalta and Lyrica, but I did notice that while on Cymbalta, my mood seemed to be a little better. I’m a naturally anxious person, which is aggravated by my fibro, so I was wondering if any of you have taken prescribed anxiety meds, and if so, did they help? Were the side effects (getting on and off) worth it? Did they wear off after prolonged exposure?
I’m a little wary after being prescribed Cymbalta right off the bat by my rheumatologist… any real life recommendations / testimonies would be really appreciated. :)
mariquita, I have been on cymbalta for 2 months and gabapentin( generic for neurontin) for several years now .I, too, have anxiety and the cymbalta has worked wonders for that. anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is only 3 meds that are for fibro. while I am happy with how it's helped my anxiety level, I am confused as to how it's suppose to help with the pain when the side effects of the cymbalta are almost the same as the fibro symptoms, like muscle pain and weakness, fatigue,etc. also, the long term side effects are horrible, so I am slowly weaning myself off of the, cymbalta but staying on the gabapentin for now. I actually want to see if my pain is from the fibro or the meds. this is my personal choice. good luck. :-)
Hi Mariquita, I've been on both anxiety and depresion meds. Sadly most of those medications have really adverse side effects, and aren't that helpful. I gained a lot weight thanks to my antidepressants some years ago, fortunately I stopped using them a long time ago, and managed to lose the weight I gained by working really hard. Sadly you will have to find another way to control your anxiety issues, if I managed to control panic attacks, I'm sure you can find a way to control your anxiety issues. Have you tried ASMR videos? They seem to help me a bit since I went unmedicated.
I've been on both Cymbalta and Abilify at the same time for severe depression and anxiety. I think Cymbalta is a wonder drug. You'll never hear me say a bad thing about it. It helps with Fibro, Depression, and anxiety.

I don't care for actual anxiety meds. Many of them equate to nothing more than tranquillizers, and I'm not really down with that. By the way, anti-histamines can help with low level depression. It didn't work for me because I literally have an anxiety disorder, but I know that some people have success with that as well.
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