Anxiety attacks

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Sabrina, I am still just really curious what facts you think the news media are not telling us. Would like to know what you think.

Limiting news is a good idea. Sure hope that you can maintain the distance required and so on if you are still going to work, and hope your work doesn't bring you in contact with the public..

(I you are a health care worker, then kudos to you. And thanks.)
Take care!
The media reports new cases and not out of how many tests or recovered etc. They report the most fearful information, not ALL the information. I do not work with the public. My husband and I both take this seriously with social distancing, and currently my State has a shelter in place order which I follow. I don't do anything but go to work and go out to buy essential needs at the grocery store. I am not trying to be mean about the subject but its frustrating to even watch the news. I am thankful that I am someone who knows where to go to get ALL the facts. I am fully aware the my country is in crisis and its heartbreaking. I am thankful to turn it off as I choose and focus on more positive things. Having fibro is hard enough without adding stress.

I was not trying to upset anyone just merely venting my frustration :)
Oh, Sabrina, you didn't upset anyone. :-) I just wanted to know what specifically you were saying. It is true that the general news media doesn't report how many have recovered from it. As for testing, I think it would be impossible to keep up with how many are tested on a daily basis, so they just report statistics.

If you want to track (accurately!) how many are confirmed cases, how many died, and how many have recovered worldwide, there is a page on the Johns Hopkins website that will tell you that and it is updated a few times a day.
Actually, the number of confirmed cases who have recovered is very high, much higher than the number who have died, and I find that encouraging.
Stay safe out there!
Does anyone else have random anxiety attacks for seemingly no reason?? I am having that issue today and have NO idea why. I have nothing that I should be feeling anxious about. Is this normal with Fibro??
Anxiety absolutely can make Fibromyalgia worse. The physical symptoms of anxiety paired with the random symptoms of fibromyalgia is a sickening combination. I have yet to find a solution to the puzzle. It’s a challenge just trying to get through the day most of the time when the anxiety decides to ramp up.
Does anyone else have random anxiety attacks for seemingly no reason?? I am having that issue today and have NO idea why. I have nothing that I should be feeling anxious about. Is this normal with Fibro??
Yes, its "normal". I had a couple last weekend while I had a flare up. The mind racing, diarrhea, vomiting, inability to concentrate.....the whole 9. Yet another fun fibro fact! Smh
My opinion - anyone who doesn't feel at least a little bit of anxiety at least some of the time these days is not paying attention to what is going on.
This world situation is bad, and it is going to get worse before it gets better. If it gets better. Personally, my anxiety level has been at an all-time high and more frequent than ever before in my life. I try to keep it down, have various things I do to accomplish that. but a day never passes that I don't experience it, and some of the time it just comes in a wave that hits me without warning. Very unpleasant, and makes it hard to get anything done.
Is anyone else experiencing this increase these days?
Sunkacola I just read this and I really feel that world conditions, isolation, news reports etc all play a role . People with fibromyalgia are more sensitive to everything and by that I mean we sense every tense muscle , we feel for every distressed person , we worry ... then we tense up and then we flare and then we panic
I had a terrible panic attack today and I finally just cried and then I prayed and now I’m here on this site to say I’m ok
If anyone reading this gets one thing out of my post is that the attacks will pass, they have a beginning , peak and and end - BUT - anticipatory worry hangs on like a ugly cloud and that is me lately and no rhyme or reason - so reach out to a trusted friend , find joy in small things and know that Tommorow is another opportunity to feel better - hugs 🤗
Sunkacola I just read this and I really feel that world conditions, isolation, news reports etc all play a role . People with fibromyalgia are more sensitive to everything and by that I mean we sense every tense muscle , we feel for every distressed person , we worry ... then we tense up and then we flare and then we panic
I had a terrible panic attack today and I finally just cried and then I prayed and now I’m here on this site to say I’m ok
If anyone reading this gets one thing out of my post is that the attacks will pass, they have a beginning , peak and and end - BUT - anticipatory worry hangs on like a ugly cloud and that is me lately and no rhyme or reason - so reach out to a trusted friend , find joy in small things and know that Tommorow is another opportunity to feel better - hugs 🤗

I just came across this post today and had to add my bit. A TOTALLY agree with what every one is saying about anxiety and the current situation the world is in . It is frightening. I so agree with what you said Maxsmom " PEOPLE WITH FIBROMYALGIA ARE MORE SENSITIVE TO EVERYTHING AND FEEL FOR EVERY DISTRESSED PERSON " Because of what we are already going through this unfortunate situation around us is creating unimaginable stress and anxiety.
I know from experience what it's like to have a major panic attack. I had three major ones and they always seem to be late at night. I had no idea what was happening to me. I really believed that I was dying. I was telling my husband to take me to the emergency. But it did eventually pass and I did't die. But it is something I hope never happens again. Your words Maxsmom really resonated with me...."the attacks will pass,but anticipatory worry hangs on".
Right now what I am doing is trying not to focus too much on the media. I go for small walks around my neighbourhood, I listen to music and try really really hard to be positive. Hugs to you all wonderful people contributing to this forum. 😊🌹
I think I would agree that some people with fibro are more sensitive to other people but as a blanket statement it doesn't have veracity. One of the most self centered people I have ever known had FM. She wouldn't have noticed if someone was choking in front of her and cared nothing for the feelings of other people. She went through the world like a bulldozer.

And I have known others as well with FM who are not sensitive to others.

Everyone is different. I think sensitive people might be more likely to develop these conditions we have, and some stats support that theory.
But I don't think it's true to say that in general people with FM are more sensitive.
My .02$--
I have had some doozies, too. I think everybody does. They were sooooo bad at work. I work alone generally. Alone, I find, is not the best place for me. I felt like I was having a heart attack a few times. I get panic and hyperventilate in cars sometimes. I do pick up on the feelings and body language of others a lot. I do think environmental factors, world circumstances/events/even food play a role. Sometimes its just an uneasy feeling...a niggling sense that something is just...wrong. Our bodies may well be telling us something in those moments. I have read about certain illness/disease that spur anxiety, don't recall what they were offhand?
My best offense when I am at my breaking point is distraction. Any way I can get my mind off of fear/panic/feeling unwell I will do. My crochet, LAUGHTER, a trashy romance novel lol Replacing the terrorizing thoughts with a focused memory of a great vacation or reciting the words to a favorite song in my head (or singing them at the top of my lungs.) Talking to people, asking about THEM. I also trust my 'gut', my intuition. Sometimes I feel like something is wrong because it IS.

sj, and all who have posted, It's Going To Be OKAY!!!! <<hug>>
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